Example sentences of "but it [be] obvious that " in BNC.

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1 A person may say that he feels a pain in his foot , but it is obvious that he does not feel it as he might feel a pin in his foot .
2 But it is obvious that the reparative principle can not begin to justify the penal system that we have , since most punishments ( and most notably imprisonment ) contain little or no reparative element , and may even make it difficult or impossible for the offender to make amends .
3 Who thought of them can only be imagined , but it is obvious that some are attributed to the physical build or character while others have probably got connections with the work they did , terms which have died with them .
4 But it is obvious that the sentences form part of some larger act of conversational interaction between two speakers ; the sentences contain several references that presuppose shared knowledge ( e.g. ‘ that meeting ’ implies that both speakers know which meeting is being spoken about ) , and in some cases the meaning of a sentence can only be correctly interpreted in the light of knowledge of what has preceded it in the conversation ( e.g. ‘ You ca n't be sure ’ ) .
5 But it 's obvious that the sudden appearance of money in his pocket and his death are linked and we want to find out how .
6 Er in my opinion at this particular time we must bear in mind the financial constraints that we work under and er would the board agree with me that erm survival comes first yes but it 's obvious that the programme that we 've er had put forward is a good compromise between preferred in the arts , maintaining the theatre as a viable proposition and er entertaining the people of this particular part of the world because as I understand it this theatre was not just the artist also an entertainment centre and it 's in this area that er it 's quite obvious when you look into the figures on this area the popular area that the majority income comes so you 'll have to make a compromise and I will congratulate the board on what I think is pretty reasonable compromise so it 's quite obvious in the programme .
7 But it was obvious that he was used to it all .
8 It was accepted that there had been no deliberate attempt to claim for unauthorised travel , but it was obvious that the regulations had not been publicised effectively , and the section head took steps to ensure that they were more widely circulated to prevent any further occurrences .
9 He greeted his sisters with a mild show of affection but it was obvious that his home was here with Hester , and that he was happy in it .
10 Benton and his Assistant Editor managed to keep the New Times of Burma going and we could still use the radio , but it was obvious that things were moving to a climax , and I was desperately afraid that violence would develop throughout the country .
11 They were identical with their small upper windows , narrow porches and square bays , but it was obvious that the road was coming up in the world .
12 They knocked for a good ten minutes before giving up but it was obvious that the place was deserted .
13 The trade papers were always including references to experiments of this sort but it was obvious that these many initiatives came to very little .
14 But it was obvious that the war was being lost .
15 Space-fleet 's personal RIT devices were supposed to be unjammable up to a range of two kilometres , but it was obvious that Spinward had technology in the Arcadia system that outclassed Space-fleet 's latest equipment .
16 Rostov was not sure what purpose his stateroom had served previously but it was obvious that it had been occupied by at least four persons , all of whom had been possessed of diverse tastes with regard to the minimal decoration which was permissible aboard a ship designed for deep space exploration .
17 Mait had never seen the man before , but it was obvious that since no one other than himself had used the device since he had built it , this must be the man in question .
18 But it was obvious that the girl was only trying to be respectful .
19 She was burning with curiosity and would have liked to question Madame Gebrec , but it was obvious that to do so would arouse painful memories .
20 But it was obvious that the room was never used ; it was a museum , perhaps a shrine .
21 But it was obvious that the room was never used . ’
22 He 'd avoided giving her a direct answer when she 'd tried to ask him about his friendship with the actress , but it was obvious that there was a very real chemistry between them .
23 But it was obvious that giving way , by either yelling or dissolving into tears , was n't going to get her anywhere in this awful place .
24 There was a certain bitter anger in his voice , but it was obvious that it was caused by a tenderness for his grandmother .
25 Brady was yesterday reluctant to say too much on the subject of his meeting with some board members , but it was obvious that the details of what ought to have been private business becoming public knowledge had disturbed the manager .
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