Example sentences of "it is not unknown for " in BNC.

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1 It is not unknown for gliders to stall and drop a wing badly on a slow launch , and the behaviour of most gliders in the rain may be far worse than in normal flight .
2 It is not unknown for so-called ‘ unspinnable ’ aircraft to come to grief by getting into a stable spin .
3 It is not unknown for quite experienced power pilots to be very sensitive to low ‘ g ’ .
4 At Holy Trinity , Brompton , all four priests are Old Etonians , one of the churchwardens is a former private secretary of Margaret Thatcher 's , and it is not unknown for members of the congregation to go on to a wedding reception in St James 's Palace .
5 While it is the Catholic Christian who will most naturally speak in this way , it is not unknown for the Evangelical Christian to make statements which come fairly close to that .
6 And it is not unknown for members of a group to manipulate a drama to further their real-life victimisation of the class ‘ scapegoat ’ — so that it is not a drama experience at all but a vicious first-order experience disguised as drama .
7 Even a dustbin on a gas ring or glass fibre bottle skips , unheated , may be employed and it is not unknown for an old enamel bathtub to be pressed into service .
8 It is not unknown for a suburban bureau to have a waiting list of potential volunteers , but in the main staff shortages appear to be a problem equally in suburban and inner-city areas .
9 It is not unknown for barbel to pull a rod into the water with a speed and viciousness that has to be seen to be believed , even when the angler has only glanced away from his rod for a few seconds .
10 Criminal statistics are notoriously unreliable as measures of the actual extent of criminal activity , to such a degree that it is not unknown for historians to discount them altogether .
11 It is not unknown for practical jokers — among both dabblers and serious occultists — to have fun at the expense of others .
12 Quite sparky , she copes well under pressure , but it is not unknown for her to lose her temper .
13 It is not unknown for the senior generation to move away , even go abroad , in order to tip the younger generation out of the nest .
14 In considering such reports and recommendations , the Houses are free to decide as they wish and it is not unknown for them to divide along party lines where there are party political implications involved .
15 A private Member can not command the services of the Parliamentary Draftsman , though it is not unknown for him to render advice and assistance .
16 It is not unknown for the editor of a newspaper to be brought to the Bar of the House for uttering a scandalous allegation against the House or a Member of it and the fact that the allegation is true will not necessarily help him .
17 It is not unknown for an advertisement section to be switched from one book to another , to convert an ordinary work to a more coveted one .
18 Their ability to throw things with the trunk is also well known ; in zoos it is not unknown for elephants to hurl lumps of their own dung at keepers and visitors .
19 Indeed , it is not unknown for lawyers ( mostly solicitors ) to decry the iniquities of the system of investigation in private , emphasising the fact that they have no means of putting their point of view .
20 Proposals seldom spring from a single source , although it is not unknown for them to do so .
21 It is not unknown for a philosopher or scientist , lured by the song of the sirens , which is to say an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics , to drift off course to a proposal as to a better or improved conception of causation .
22 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to purchase extremely attractive and reasonably priced extremely attractive and reasonably priced items only to find , when they take them home , that they are the wrong size , or that the colour and design clash with their decorative scheme .
23 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to be carried along by the atmosphere of an auction , or the sales patter of a dealer .
24 Mori Bokharas may also be referred to by a number of alternative names ( including Jaldar , Kafkazi — pl. 28 — and Serapi ) , and it is not unknown for them to be marketed under the name of the gul most prominent in their design .
25 We mention this because it is not unknown for some US authors to encash money orders and neglect to send the goods .
26 It is not unknown for claims to be submitted for the same items more than once .
27 Large medical expenses accounts should have been checked by Europ Assistance but these should still be examined as it is not unknown for such accounts to include TVs and even bar charges .
28 It is not unknown for a salesman to describe the product in glowing terms and you would expect him to highlight the best features .
29 Where this is overlooked , it is not unknown for the continuing partners to have difficulty in persuading their former colleague that it is in his own interest that changes need to be made .
30 Equally , it is not unknown for a partner gradually to lose interest in mundane administrative matters : often enough the problems that this can cause are exacerbated by his co-partners allowing him to escape his share of responsibility over a long period .
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