Example sentences of "it [adv] seem likely [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Though it is impossible to date the provisions with any confidence , in favour of dating them in the reign of Mehmed II is the fact that Sultan Murad III ( 982–1003/1574–95 ) , in a firman sent to his Grand Vezir in 985/1577 in connection with reform of the learned profession , speaks of " the ancient law ( kanun ) of Sultan Mehmed Gazi " : it thus seems likely that Mehmed II promulgated some legislation concerning the learned profession , if not these actual provisions .
2 It thus seems likely that the junctions which are recalled may be simply the large congested ones , ones which also happen to be risky .
3 For heavy goods , especially of timber and stone , it still seems likely that water transport , by river and sea and a little by canal , was cheaper and more expeditious than long-distance travel by road — and that there was sense as well as sentiment , for example , in the devotion the Norman builders showed in England for their native stone from Caen .
4 It hardly seems likely that the Government was jolted into action by the Northamptonshire Society 's letter , but nevertheless three days later the House of Commons ordered that a Select Committee ‘ be appointed to consider and report upon the Re-construction of the Foreign Office in relation to the future Rebuilding of other Offices on a uniform Plan , due regard being had to Public Convenience and Economy ’ .
5 No doubt both tendencies arose in part because the voters themselves became more strongly partisan at that time ; but it also seems likely that television became more strictly impartial ( thereby offending both Labour and Conservative partisans more ) while the press became more stridently partisan ( Chapter 6 ) .
6 It also seems likely that unemployment and other social problems contributed further to the view that Labour offered the only alternative to the failures of capitalism — no matter how illusory that viewpoint may have been .
7 And it also seems likely that Pius XII wanted the cardinals to act as papal legates , representatives of the pope in their different territories , ensuring through the bishops under their charge that true doctrine was taught to the laity .
8 It also seems likely that Wagner , thirty-one years Nietzsche 's senior and born in the same year as Nietzsche 's long dead father , was in some sense a father-figure and additionally attractive on this account .
9 It also seems likely that subjects ‘ feel ’ subjective risk in the laboratory in much the same way that they experience it when driving .
10 The Bishop said the translator had attended very carefully to all the criticisms and it now seemed likely that we would have to wait until at least the end of the summer before the English edition appears .
11 It now seems likely that a committee of inquiry into the hours and working practices of the Commons , staffed by senior MPs from all sides , could be announced shortly by the government .
12 It now seems likely that the eukaryotic cell itself — the basic structure from which are constructed the bodies of all animals , plants , and fungi — originally evolved as a symbiotic association between various bacteria ; that is , between various different prokaryotes .
13 It now seems likely that a ‘ joint list ’ of green candidates for local government posts will only be submitted in the Paris region , and the Alsace , An agreement reached in October 1982 that would have linked the Amis De La Terre ( AT ) , the Confederation Ecologiste and the Mouvement D'Ecologie Politique ( Now VPE ) disintegrated last month when it became clear that the VPE wanted to have a dominant say over its two partners .
14 It now seems likely that any such support will come direct from the SSI , already monitoring progress on implementation , ( News , 29 April ) .
15 ESA has already spent millions of dollars on Columbus , and it now seems likely that the redesign of Freedom will require a corresponding change in its space laboratory .
16 Although controversial , it now seems likely that the striking ‘ in vitro ’ findings of reduced neutrophil mobilisation and altered function in patients with inflammatory bowel disease are not intrinsic to the cell but reflect neutrophil conditioning by different inflammatory milieu .
17 It certainly seems likely that the interior of the Earth has been hot enough for most of any deeply buried volatiles to have found their way to the surface , particularly if convection extends throughout the mantle .
18 It therefore seems likely that the two conditions are not as distinct from each other as was once thought .
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