Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] of patients " in BNC.

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1 This point should be located by using a system of proportional measurement , which allows for differences in the size of patients .
2 As it is unknown whether measurement of serum pepsinogen C can help in the differentiation of patients with hyperpepsinogenaemia A , serum concentrations of both pepsinogens were determined in patient groups known to have an increased incidence of hyperpepsinogenaemia A.
3 If ‘ suicide ’ is defined as the doing of a positive act with the intention of ending life , then there would be no question of suicide in the case of patients who refuse treatment , but otherwise do no positive act , merely allowing death to occur .
4 The hospital of San Giovanni di Dio was practically next door to Headquarters , which was convenient in the case of patients who required a permanent guard or who had to be questioned at intervals .
5 A relapse was defined as a clinical deterioration with an increase in DAI requiring ( i ) high dose steroids , or a return to high dose steroids in the case of patients still on tapering prednisolone doses , or ( ii ) surgery .
6 This does not mean that psychotropic drugs have no role in the treatment of patients who might attempt suicide .
7 Group sessions between senior staff and learners are also of value when ethical problems occur in the treatment of patients .
8 ‘ Well it 's really very difficult , ’ Wolff tried to explain , in what was once called broken English , ‘ but in the proverbial nutshell it 's the application of engineering thought and engineering practice , which really means technology , to medical and biological problems , both on the research side and in terms of producing products which help in the treatment of patients . ’
9 ‘ We have to remark that there is no doubt that our present Medical Officer , whose experience is greater in the treatment of patients in modern hospitals than in union workhouses , would naturally like to have the sick treated in the same way as in a large hospital , but taking into consideration cases under treatment , which are mostly chronic , as well as the means at the disposal of the Guardians , we can not recommend any sweeping alterations .
10 The clincial implication of this study is that appropriate dietary elimination is crucial in the treatment of patients who have cow 's milk allergy .
11 These agents seem as effective as sulphasalazine in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis , and in the short term are less toxic .
12 ‘ … In recent literature it is stated that the diet of Haas ( Banana-diet ) and Fanconi ( fruit and begetables ) gives the best results in the treatment of patients suffering from coeliac disease .
13 SIR , — Protein-A immunoadsorption of plasma is effective in the treatment of patients with refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ( ITP ) .
14 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies have recently been demonstrated in the seaa of patients with inflammatory bowel disease .
15 These concentrations are of the same order as those found in the plasma of patients taking 5-ASA preparations orally ( 10–15 µm ) and are far lower than those required to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase , lipoxygenase , or the binding of FMLP to neutrophils ( IC 5 10 , 6 , and >5 mM respectively ) or those found within the colonic lumen of these patients ( 10–20 mM ) .
16 The conclusion the doctors reached , given the apparently poor response to food testing , was that the psychological problems were affecting the bowel , rather than the other way round , in the majority of patients .
17 a , Data recording the per cent of lymphocytes damaged over time does not take into account the fact that in the period immediately after radiotherapy , the peripheral lymphocyte count in the majority of patients falls .
18 Patients , however , still have no specific treatment option and rely on being in the majority of patients who spontaneously recover .
19 This study confirms that patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus have a marked degree of acid gastrooesophageal reflux , considerably exceeding that seen in the majority of patients with erosive oesophagitis without columnarisation .
20 In the majority of patients , however , the pain is of short duration and responds well to spasmolytic medication or minor analgesics .
21 The coexistence of hyperproliferation and colonic phenotypic expression in the reservoir of patients with ulcerative colitis and FAP , conditions with high rates of neoplastic change in the large intestine , has led some to suggest that neoplastic change is a significant risk in the reservoir mucosa .
22 They reflect changes in the population of attempters , with a possible decline in the proportion of patients suffering from formal psychiatric illness while , instead , interpersonal conflicts and social problems play a prominent part in most cases .
23 In addition , junior psychiatrists should be able to get adequate experience of the care of attempted suicide patients to improve their skills both in the management of patients with psychosocial problems and , in particular , the evaluation of suicide risk .
24 Secondary prevention , on the other hand , should always be a concern of the therapist involved in the management of patients who have already made attempts .
25 I would not agree that augmentin has been highly effective in the management of patients infected with urinary tract pathogens resistant to amoxycillin .
26 It is , therefore , a useful and cost effective test in the management of patients with these symptoms .
27 We previously proposed that restorative proctocolectomy might have a role in the management of patients with continued constipation despite subtotal colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis if there was objective evidence of slow transit constipation .
28 Gold salts are highly effective in the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis , most adverse reactions being mild and reversible .
29 We have reviewed our experience of exfoliative cytology in the management of patients with biliary tract strictures .
30 The results of tests carried out on patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia illustrate the limited role for tests of gastric emptying in the management of patients with symptoms not attributable to previous surgery .
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