Example sentences of "a right [prep] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Mr Yeltsin 's team was preparing to counter-attack today with a draft of a new constitution that would extend the presidential term from five years to six and give him a right of veto over parliamentary Bills and to pick a small team of state ministers .
2 As a result of the ‘ legal ’ relationships involved between LEA , governing body and headteacher , the head reserves a right of veto over management-board decisions .
3 At its session on Jan. 11 the Armenian Supreme Soviet also voted for itself a right of veto over legislation approved by the authorities in Moscow .
4 Although he did not specify the powers he had in mind , they were reported to include a right of veto over parliamentary decisions .
5 An individual can not , for instance , as such have a right of way over my land , but only as owner of some adjacent piece of land .
6 L1 demised Sevenoaks Farm to B and Greenland to C. L1 granted B a right of way over Greenland , and C was entitled to the benefit of a covenant granted by L1 for the quiet enjoyment of Greenland .
7 Scott J concluded that if D 's enjoyment of Greenland was interrupted by B exercising a right of way over Greenland , D could enforce the covenant for quiet enjoyment against L1 , even though there was neither privity of contract nor privity of estate between D and L1 .
8 It is doubtful whether a right of way over other land belonging to the landlord can ever be an appurtenance , strictly so called ( Re Walmsley and Shaw 's Contract [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 93 ) .
9 The grant of a right of way over a road will include the following ancillary rights : ( 1 ) the right to stop for such time as is necessary to load and unload vehicles ( McIlraith v Grady [ 1968 ] 1 QB 468 ) but only where there is no other convenient place to stop London and Suburban Land v Carey ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 480 ) ; and ( 2 ) the right to a sufficiency of vertical space immediately above the road for the purpose of loading and unloading ( VT Engineering Ltd v Barland ( Richard ) & Co Ltd ( 1968 ) 19 P & CR 890 ) .
10 An innkeeper , as we have seen , is under a duty to provide reasonable refreshment if so required and accommodation to a traveller ; hence , the innkeeper has a right of lien over a traveller 's property as well as over a guests ' to ensure that the traveller 's bill is duly paid .
11 She submitted that the law built up through custom and practice appeared to have had no difficulty in affording to a child born after the death of its parent a right of action over the death .
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