Example sentences of "a [noun] i mean [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'll wait here for a bit I mean you 'll queue at the others if I turn round .
2 Nudge up a bit I mean it could 've been tonight .
3 cos they think they 're not going to get a response I mean it , it , it ca n't get much er , ca n't get very much going on this .
4 What have we got have a look I mean we do n't know that we 've draw this completely accurately .
5 I du n no , right let me do this and then I 'll have a look I mean I 've got to do this because I 'm not sure of it ,
6 erm from yesterday er I think meself personally I 'm very methodical sort of person and I felt what was most important the revelations meself was thought patterns and the use of most structured structured in a presentation and also the importance I could n't believe how that using them made such a difference actually to yourself when you 're standing there and the audience participation erm thought patterns well I 've always used that was just a revelation I mean I 've never
7 Now if you come to Caldmore , you 'll find out then that the majority of the married ladies had worked in I mean I should say that erm I know my mother was very snooty she 'd been an apprentice to some dressmakers in Street and work for one year for nothing she always used to tell me , and she was quite er toffee- nosed about these girls that used that er that used to go , well they were very respectable people , and when I was a kid when I growing up in my teens a lot of the girls I used to know were in the offices at er it they employed about fifteen hundred people at in those days you know I mean coming out of at night it was fighting your way against the crowd if you were going towards it , and the same thing going through the square for people who have worked in when they left that 's why all those shops in the square used to do reasonably well , it was the people walking through to go up the other side of Walsall , but there was a crowd of people I can , I can always remember as a kid a crowd of people and then there 'd be well you can tell it was along Street in those days I can remember fruiters ' carts where the girls used to go and buy apples , and that all sort of going along there you know people used to wait for them coming out , these are my impressions as a kid I mean I can remember the , the er and the men of course were cutters and various people and a quite a lot of my father 's friends were , were er had er skilled jobs at as cutters and managers of the cutters ' department and that sort of thing .
8 But in a sense I mean I can erm I mean I agree with everything you 've said , erm but er when Murdoch took over the Sun I mean the Sun was selling , at one point was selling about four million copies which is
9 I had them all the week I mean a ladder I mean it 'll cost you that much again
10 I mean that would have been a disaster I mean it 's only because I was upstairs and I thought oh I can smell boiling .
11 So they have they have in fact embarked on a course which now lets these newspapers really deliver them up on a plate I mean they can fry them , they can bake them , they can grill them , they can roast them because they 've put themselves in a position where they now deserve the criticism and the level of imagery which they 're getting .
12 Erm I mean we we have some left but I mean they 're mainly empty which does n't matter a lot I mean I 'll them for next year .
13 We did n't take a lot I mean she was a history teacher so now you know why I did n't learn a lot of history cos all we did was giggle .
14 I mean for me I I 've gone beyond hoping in a way I mean it 's just a question of keeping going from week to week and I do n't know how to measure success .
15 No it 's alright there might be a way I mean I could be wrong , I could be wrong
16 No it 's alright there might be a way I mean I could be wrong , I could be wrong .
17 If a guy I mean I 've worked for farmers I I actually worked for a farmer once from seven o'clock in the morning till nine o'clock at night for five quid .
18 And put it in bulk tanks you ken taking milk away down in a tank I mean we used to take it away in cans .
19 And er so I mean it 's you know , I am a politician I mean you know , it 's in the blood I 've b been in the in the House of Commons now for about a quarter of a century .
20 Erm I can actually remember making ether as a practical I mean it 's something you would n't dare even think about doing now !
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