Example sentences of "he have recently [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has recently received about manufacturing output .
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what representations he has recently received about the governance of Scotland ; and if he will make a statement .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has recently received about manufacturing output .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has recently received about manufacturing output .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has recently received about manufacturing output .
6 He has recently ventured into an export business and hopes this will flourish with the lifting of sanctions .
7 He has recently appeared at festivals such as the Edinburgh Folk Festival , Burnley Blues Festival and the Wirral International Guitar Festival .
8 He also enthuses about the extraordinary steam trains he has recently seen for himself , reading from a journal which he has been writing while away .
9 With the help of his actress friend , ex-James Bond baddie Barbara Carrera , he has recently moved into film making .
10 He has recently moved to Bohemians club ) in Dublin and is playing ok .
11 Instead of seeing the person depicted on the duckpond surface of the polaroids , he sees an amalgam : this one 's slightly dark upper lip , this one 's nervy legs , this one 's role in Le Médecin malgré lui at the Comédie Française ( where he has recently sat through an excruciating evening of seventeenth-century high camp ) , this one 's intensely white and brown eyes , this one 's professed love of Shakespeare , this one 's part in an erotic thriller ( he can remember her buttocks from that movie , but he ca n't fix them to the right actress without his notes ) .
12 But Prince Adam has a certain amount of clout , as he has recently brought off a resounding coup and made a grand gesture .
13 He has recently returned to Europe after a year 's exile teaching in New Hampshire , and is currently living in Italy .
14 There was a look about him , as if he 'd recently returned from the Front .
15 Then , during the afternoon he put in a personal appearance at three of the funeral parlours that he 'd recently acquired for the company as part of his new expansion programme .
16 He had recently travelled from Tasmania to Norway in search of the perfect 2,000 metres of flat water .
17 William was more eager that he should show me some papers he had recently received by post from America .
18 I was also immensely proud when Gavin Campbell , who fronted last week 's B B C D E C appeal , told me that words could not describe the tremendously high quality of Save The Children 's work in Malawi , Mozambique and Sudan , which he had recently visited in order to film for the D E C appeal .
19 They continued chatting for a while , in which time Nigger got the definite impression that the six months in jail that Terry told him he had recently endured for receiving stolen property , had taught him nothing at all .
20 As he made his way down the path from the manse between the round-shouldered granite gravestones , his face looked pink , as though he had recently shaved in scalding water .
21 There was evident a very strong determination on the part of Prof. Barker to remove all obstacles likely to prevent agreement being reached and , in the course of a subsequent conversation with Elvin , he said that he had recently come to the conclusion that it was of primary importance that the WEA should have the full assistance of the Extra-Mural Board in all its work throughout the whole of this District .
22 A. in Reverie was undoubtedly the painting of the season , and the portrait he had recently finished of Mrs C — , the celebrated actress , was acclaimed — and not only by the sitter — as the best likeness of her striking looks ever achieved .
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