Example sentences of "sense of [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Equally clear is the peasantry 's sense of injustice over the Emancipation settlement , their resentment against the landowning nobility , and their yearning to see all noble land made over to them .
2 Joe 's behaviour can also be s\described as mildly odd : his fear of returning to prison shows in his encouragement of the local children to play policeman games , telling them he will put bad boys into his private jail , and a sense of contrition over the faulty aircraft parts means he can not bear having anything the house that ought to be thrown away .
3 Throughout the whole period Britain remained " Great " in the sense of ruling over the largest empire in human history .
4 I would therefore ask for a sense of proportion over the future of general practice , along with some breadth of vision and tolerance for alternative types of general practice .
5 It follows in virtue of this control that companies have power not only in the sense of discretion over the allocation of resources between different uses , but also in a more invasive sense of an ability to influence individual desires and conduct .
6 Whatever internal dissent there might have been had clearly been silenced by a unifying sense of outrage over the city 's 37 dead .
7 The sense of urgency over the issue took time to spread .
8 Maire Carroll , serving in the shop and hating it , felt a firm and vicious sense of satisfaction over the fate of Eve and Benny , but of course she pretended great care and concern .
9 Among the various characteristics of these technologies which Blauner identifies we highlight three here : the changing skill requirements , the worker 's sense of control over the work process , and changes in the meaningfulness of work — these last two characteristics being , to a very large extent , a product of the social relationships which the worker has with management and the end-user of the product being made .
10 In both craft and continuous-flow production the worker has a sense of control over the work process , claims Blauner .
11 you may gain a sense of control over the ways in which HIV could affect you , your partner and your family
12 Set against these developments , soccer hooliganism may be interpreted as ‘ attempts by certain sections of the class to assert some inarticulate , but keenly experienced sense of control over the game that was theirs ’ ( Taylor , 1971a:163 ) .
13 To grasp the mystic significance of numbers — for instance , the two poles of Solomon 's litter , and the four struts that supported its canopy — was to acquire ( as some wielders of power in modern times have done through astrology ) a sense of control over the contemporary world : to explain the failure of some policies , to plan and time others more effectively .
14 First , it will give the child a sense of power over the machine .
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