Example sentences of "kind [prep] [noun sg] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As long as you make the point , and and in the as long as the quotes are grammatical , and as long as you can understand it , the the simple thing about any kind of communication is that you should communicate you know rather than you 're not trying to win the Booker Prize , are you , so just as long as you get the information over do n't worry too much about the , the journalism .
2 Another serious objection to this HCF kind of approach is that it fails to prepare pupils for the real world , helping them to appreciate the strength of religious conviction and extend to people of all kinds of religious persuasion , including those dubbed as " fundamentalist " or " extremist " , real empathy and desire to understand their positions .
3 It 's , what kind of boiler is that you have ?
4 I think th the difficulty with that kind of day is that unless you 've decided what the outcome 's going to be before you start , you 're not actually going together are you ?
5 A weakness of this kind of presentation is that concentrating on how the shares in one part of the distribution compare ignores changes that might be taking place in other parts of the distribution .
6 One problem with this kind of criticism is that the ‘ images ’ in question have often been misinterpreted , since they have been discussed without reference to the context or narrative structure in which they may appear .
7 Erm I I think that one of the erm , drawbacks in using animals for any kind of testing is that it sort of precludes in some way using alternatives .
8 One of the pitfalls of this kind of research is that , far from events causing a particular disorder , the causal sequence may actually be the reverse .
9 Another consideration is the use of humour , which should be at the right level of sophistication , otherwise it can fall flat ( the best kind of humour is that generated spontaneously in the classroom ) .
10 ‘ What is most worrying about this kind of action is that it could complicate matters if someone else were to decide to intervene , say in Romania .
11 But the most general conclusion that we draw from this kind of pattern is that the norms of a speech community are not necessarily uniform within that community , with every group agreeing on a single appropriate realization .
12 The steps for creating this kind of learning are as follows :
13 One problem with this kind of editing is that you may not get a clean cut at the points where you stop and start .
14 Yet the danger of both these kinds of literature is that they offer just the kinds of all-explaining and deterministic theories as the form of Marxism we reviewed earlier .
15 The tragedy of these kinds of development is that the opportunity may be lost of creating an integrated community , and of benefiting from the social advantages that can accrue from good design ( Masser and Stroud 1965 ) .
16 The difficulty with both these kinds of argument is that they emphasise only one or , at the most , two aspects of women 's lives .
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