Example sentences of "though [pron] were [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed like fate at the time — as though I were specially meant to meet him .
2 I felt as though I were about to undergo an important test . ’
3 " Thanks , " he said , drily , " oh , thanks ! " and began stripping off his jersey , as though she were already gone .
4 ‘ Julia , ’ she said , as though she were just waking up .
5 Had she really managed to look as though she were still holding together ?
6 Taking a deep breath , as though she were about to plunge into deep water , which successfully parted her mouth , she had her exhaling breath cut off as his mouth touched hers , parting it even further , and a delicious shiver of pleasure went down her spine .
7 As she grew older , however , her face grew as well as her hips and bosom , but her way of looking as though she were about to burst out of her clothes became an asset rather thin a disadvantage .
8 When they arrived at the college , it seemed even more forbidding than it had in daylight , and as she walked from the car towards the entrance , Loretta felt as though she were about to cross a threshold in time as well as space .
9 Even in the office you had to look as though you were n't working .
10 They wept on their last day of work : ‘ I felt terrible ’ ; ‘ it seemed as though you were suddenly cut off from life . ’
11 No one expected to achieve anything much after lunch , so the mood was languid and light-hearted , as though we were just pretending .
12 We began to feel cold , even though we were well wrapped up , and cocooned in our sleeping bags .
13 It 's not as though we were n't making money at the time either .
14 ‘ We had to keep our hands on the reins at that point in the race though we were still allowed to carry the whip and use it to prevent horses running out , refusing , or causing accidents .
15 Even though we were always moving around , we 'd always be on the same tip ; we 'd go to bed at the same time and my mom would carry cooking pots into hotels and cook — stink out the whole place with curry .
16 A total of 364 economists , almost one for each day of the year , dispatched a formal letter to The Times denouncing the government 's economic approach as ruinous — though they were soon matched by a similarly large number of economists who were prepared to endorse it .
17 But others looked as though they were desperately trying to find a way out , gazing to the ceiling deep in thought .
18 His clothes clung to his tall , slender frame , though they were slightly mussed after being slept in for a week .
19 The linen area was unheated , and though they were well protected from the ravages of the wind she was aware of her damp clothing chilling her skin , the rough chattering of her teeth .
20 He smiled infuriatingly at her , lifting a hand to run it over his dark hair , seemingly as relaxed as though they were just sharing a pleasant little chat rather than this frosty interview .
21 " It almost looks as though they were just going through the cupboards , examining the stuff , as it were , the plainclothes man said .
22 There , they were brilliant and I felt as though they were just starting to work when finished .
23 Rose 's family was told that the operation was a matter of life-and-death , so they gave the surgeons permission , even though they were also warned that the operation could result in further bleeding and disability .
24 The record high interest rates were attractive to holders of sterling even though they were also damaging to business .
25 Another is that co-operating individuals jointly benefited even though they were not related ; the co-operative behaviour has evolved because those who did it were more likely to survive as individuals and reproduce than those that did not .
26 Mr Major rejected the appeal and insisted the donations from Nadir 's companies had not been illegal , even though they were not made public at the time .
27 Cumberland 's initial appreciation was that Charles would attempt to cross the Mersey either at Warrington or Crossford and he ordered the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire , who was also official governor of Chester Castle , to make both bridges impassable , though they were not destroyed .
28 It is as though they were not fighting each other but some phantom German army .
29 An approach described by Gup and Norwood ( 1982 ) may offer the basis of the method needed , even though they were not attempting to push their analysis as far as that implied here .
30 But today it was as though Doyle and the Woman needed to be together , even though they were not talking .
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