Example sentences of "his pocket [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor pulled a small torch from his pocket and clicked it on .
2 Boxer Sullivan chose that moment to pull an apple from his pocket and polish it on his coat .
3 Working quickly , he reloaded the chamber of the shotgun with fresh cartridges from his pocket and re-cocked it , feeding a round into the breech .
4 He fished a bit of paper from his pocket and studied it .
5 ‘ But it 's a good life , ’ the Dodger said , taking some coins from his pocket and throwing them up in the air .
6 Paul pulled several cubes of sugar from his pocket and tossed them among the children , and they squealed and fought among themselves , passing the prizes eventually from hand to hand .
7 He took some bills from his pocket and tossed them on the table , then rose to his feet .
8 Graham took an envelope from his pocket and tossed it onto the sofa .
9 The Arab took a passport from his pocket and tossed it on the bed .
10 He fished a small key-ring out of his pocket and tossed it to her .
11 Travis produced them from his pocket and dropped them into her palm , carefully avoiding touching her .
12 The man peeled off two bank notes from the roll in his pocket and stuffed them into the conductor 's tunic pocket .
13 And this , ’ he pulled Lazlo 's map from his pocket and flung it across the table , ‘ The great detective left this behind when he and Rex fled from his office last night .
14 He pulled a small tape-recorder out of his pocket and put it on his lap , switching it on as he did so .
15 He dragged a handkerchief from his pocket and put it to his mouth ; dark sediment lifting in a subterranean cavern .
16 Coy pulled a report from his pocket and put it down so that he could use it as a reference .
17 Then he took something from his pocket and put it on the table .
18 He took the locket and the manuscript out of his pocket and laid them on the desk in front of the headmaster .
19 Wycliffe took her letter to Riddle from his pocket and laid it on the desk in front of her .
20 Fen stopped short and pulled out a folded map from his pocket and spread it out before her , stabbing at it with his finger .
21 He carefully put me in his pocket and took me home to show to his wife .
22 Without a word , shamefaced , Norman took them out of his pocket and slid them over the table .
23 He took his documentation from his pocket and pushed it into the officer 's hand .
24 Dane pulled his car-keys from his pocket and handed them across the table .
25 Lefevre took a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over .
26 Lowering his eyes , he took the ticket from his pocket and handed it across .
27 DeVore set his drink down on the table at his side , then took a small device from his pocket and handed it across .
28 The Doctor pulled money out of his pocket and handed it over .
29 She could see him out of the comer of her eye , removing a crystal from his pocket and placing it in her desk reader .
30 He pulled out a coin from his pocket and flipped it into the air .
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