Example sentences of "it is [adv] surprising [that] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , with all their drawbacks , panels are interesting ways of collecting information and it is rather surprising that they have not been used more in academic research where ideas rather than pin-point accuracy of measurement may be the desired goal .
2 Actually , it is rather surprising that the labour cost has n't gone up more , especially in view of the national rates .
3 Given the revival of interest in local radio and the fact that this is occurring within a general context of economic and financial difficulty in the country as a whole , it is rather surprising that so little attention has been paid to the potential role of radio in contributing to local economic development .
4 Mind you , it is rather surprising that McDonald , a top session man turned star performer , has not established himself as a big noise in Europe .
5 Nonetheless , it is slightly surprising that staff responding seemed to be generally not dissatisfied with their situation .
6 But , as with Neratius , it is again surprising that words like cupio or opto , which are both entirely in the traditional mould of requesting the trustee to do something , should have to be mentioned at all .
7 It is most surprising that in the tourism industry the necessity for language training to meet the growing demand for overseas visitors is not felt to be important , ’ the report said .
8 It is scarcely surprising that opt-out schools are apprehensive .
9 Since there is such a wide difference between the least violent types of eruption ( Hawaiian ) and the most violent ( Plinian ) , it is scarcely surprising that there is an equally wide difference between the kinds of pyroclastic rocks produced by each .
10 In view of the depressed state of the Kosovan economy and the high rates of unemployment , it is scarcely surprising that there is continual emigration of Serbs and Montenegrins from the province ( and presumably also of Albanians , although no one bothers to record that aspect ) .
11 Given such a lead , it is scarcely surprising that British scientists have sought to demonstrate the practical and financial consequences of environmental events and processes ; Table 9.1 , for example illustrates their perception of the importance of global environmental research to the UK domestic economy .
12 In these circumstances , it is scarcely surprising that there is evidence of international and interdisciplinary dispute , as Terney ( 1989 ) has chronicled in regard to IGBP .
13 Under these circumstances , it is scarcely surprising that walking in Britain is of diminishing importance , with total distance walked decreasing as is the percentage of all journeys that are made on foot .
14 Given Peter Wood 's background , it is scarcely surprising that Direct Line 's computer systems impress .
15 This was a combination of evils grievous to bear ; and in these circumstances it is scarcely surprising that the monastic community of the cathedral church themselves took action , and instituted a search for papal privileges to uphold their failing fortunes .
16 It is scarcely surprising that popes did not like calling Councils .
17 It is scarcely surprising that when the Select Committee on Nationalized Industries examined this problem it found a ‘ lack of clarity and certainty and purpose ’ among what it called the sponsoring government departments .
18 Given the thinly disguised mutual suspicion which traditionally exists between economists and sociologists , it is scarcely surprising that most mainstream economists were deeply unhappy at what they regarded as an unjustified yielding of territory to an altogether less rigorous discipline . )
19 Since communication through goods depends on our abilities to read form , and since designing is that activity which " gives " form to things , ( cf Abel : design " lends concrete form to the cultural processes of human individuation and identity formation " ) it is scarcely surprising that , while we " know how " to read designed form , lack of " knowing that " about the workings of form ( form as the mediation between technical and communicative [ ie social ] requirements ) crucially inhibits the understanding of design in general and " design-and-society " relations in particular .
20 When one reflects on how unpopular our own Government becomes with a recession which causes GDP to fall by just over 3 per cent from its 1990 peak , it is scarcely surprising that the reform programme in Russia has provoked widespread discontent .
21 It is somewhat surprising that Jesus could get away with such drastic action .
22 It is somewhat surprising that Jacques 's name has not appeared on any known English documents , particularly in the light of extensive published research by David Lasocki on the introduction of the French oboe to England .
23 Colour is intimately linked with light , so it is hardly surprising that changing light alters colours , enhancing the brilliance of some while causing other to fade almost into invisibility .
24 It is hardly surprising that there is confusion over the names and numbers which describe the shapes .
25 It takes as fact that employers , judges and Tory legislators can do no wrong , and so it is hardly surprising that it finds nothing to be said in favour of trade unions .
26 It is hardly surprising that political partisans claimed ( at least ) to be optimistic about their party 's chances .
27 As a result , it is hardly surprising that everything from Patches to the Daily Telegraph employs at least one rock correspondent , from a teenage school-leaver in doorstep Nikes and a back-to-front baseball cap to some affable dilettante with a plum in his mouth and old school tie .
28 Given the various elements present in Eliot 's mind , it is hardly surprising that he found in the thundering drums of Stravinsky 's ballet , Le Sacre du printemps , the equivalent of the myth he sought .
29 It is hardly surprising that a passage of Ovid is described in his Notes as ‘ of great anthropological interest ’ .
30 As women are largely responsible for the emotional wellbeing of society , it is hardly surprising that the shop-talk of women is gossip .
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