Example sentences of "be [adv] accepted that the " in BNC.

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1 Previously , it had been generally accepted that the requirement of an undertaking in damages as a condition of the grant of an interlocutory injunction did not apply in the case of the Crown .
2 After some initial hesitation it now seems to be generally accepted that the value should be assessed at the date of the conversion ( though it should be noted that in other contexts the courts show some resistance to any universal rule that damages are to be assessed at the date of the wrong ) .
3 The Wolfenden Committee , in distinguishing between public and private behaviour , also drew a distinction between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , and concluded that ‘ as a general proposition it will be universally accepted that the law is not concerned with private morals or ethical sanctions ’ , and further , ‘ it is not the duty of the law to concern itself with immorality as such … it should confine itself to those activities which offend against public order and decency and expose the ordinary citizen to what is offensive or injurious ’ .
4 It is widely accepted that the spiral pattern formed by the stars of a galaxy like our own is produced by a density wave moving through the stars .
5 It is widely accepted that the rate increases as firms get smaller as liquidity burdens are passed along in a ripple effect from the very largest firms through lengthening credit notes .
6 It is widely accepted that the next ten years presents the Health Service with a manpower problem .
7 It is widely accepted that the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century was preceded by a long period of gradual economic growth , but when the upturn began remains uncertain .
8 As a result , it is widely accepted that the Council has assisted significantly in the improvement of all these factors in colleges offering courses leading to its degrees .
9 It is generally accepted that the treponeme needs a small cut or abrasion in the skin before it can gain entry and cause an infection ; simple contact with the skin is not enough .
10 Full length waders are essential as it is generally accepted that the best depth to work is knee to waist deep .
11 As a person 's independence gradually gives way to dependence in one or more areas of daily life , it is generally accepted that the family will increase support and assistance .
12 Although it is generally accepted that the globular domain of H1 or H5 binds to the exit and entry points of nucleosomal DNA , there are currently many conflicting models for the detailed picture of how this is achieved .
13 It is generally accepted that the ‘ master and slave ’ ideology of classical management theory is not properly tenable , ( although these beliefs still exist widely today and , to varying degrees , classical management theories are used in practice : bureaucracy and the formal structure of organisations offer security , familiarity and safety which continue to have strong appeal ) .
14 It is generally accepted that the style with the most followers worldwide is Shotokan .
15 Many diverse schools still come from Okinawa , but it is generally accepted that the mainstay of much of the karate that is practised in the world today is the original shotokan style , brought from Okinawa to Japan by karate 's modern-day founder and innovator , Gichin Funakoshi .
16 It is generally accepted that the life span of the traditional flat felt roof is about 10 years .
17 It is generally accepted that the Etruscans were of foreign origin , of a mixed Hellenic and Oriental culture , probably but far from certainly from Asia Minor , and that they established themselves in central Italy , in the area between the Arno and the Tiber , in the eighth century B.C. The civilisation appears to have developed and grown quickly and extensively and , by about 700 B.C. , the Etruscans were living an urban life in fine cities with wealthy citizens , and were capable of a high standard of building and visual and literary arts .
18 The development of carcinoma of the colon is dependent on both genetic and environmental factors and its is generally accepted that the development of colonic carcinoma follows the adenoma-carcinoma sequence .
19 A clear waiver of subrogation rights issued by the insurers is obviously preferred , but it is generally accepted that the noting of interests will have the same effect , although there is no guarantee of this .
20 2 The time at which reasonableness is considered It is generally accepted that the relevant time at which reasonableness is to be considered is the time of entering the contract .
21 Similarly it is soon accepted that the ‘ ostrich ’ theory of closing one 's eyes and assuming that thereby either oneself or things in the environment will actually disappear is not tenable .
22 It 's generally accepted that the ideal fitness programme is one that will push your pulse to between 70 and 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate and keep it there for at least 20 minutes , at least three times a week .
23 It 's generally accepted that the herbage of this area produces the milk necessary to make a fine cheese .
24 On the other hand if someone dies of a heart attack it is just accepted that the cause is hereditary , ‘ He over-exerted himself once too often , ’ or most commonly , it was ‘ Just bad luck ’ .
25 It is also accepted that the presence of risk factors may affect the length of treatment required to effect healing but the optimal duration of treatment in the presence of specific risk factors has never been investigated .
26 It is also accepted that the Nissan Prairie is a suitable vehicle for the plaintiff 's needs .
27 10 Burden of proof Dealing first with the question of reasonableness as between the parties it is now accepted that the burden of proof falls on the party seeking to enforce the restraint .
28 In this judgment there is no mention of " quasi-arbitrators " : it is fully accepted that the question of the quality of the textile was determined by an arbitrator acting on his own knowledge and experience .
29 The lengthy , complicated and interesting case of Richard of Anstey ( of some two generations before Innocent III 's time ) shows how it was already accepted that the Crown could have no jurisdiction over the solemn sacrament of marriage , though at this stage the canon law of marriage and what actually constituted a legal marriage was extremely fluid .
30 While it was generally accepted that the country was economically near bankruptcy and would need time and a continuation of generous American aid to effect recovery , few people doubted the economy could be rebuilt faster than that of devastated Europe and Japan .
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