Example sentences of "point is [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 The point is surely that the properties of being good and being yellow are not complex properties as being a horse is , which is ( we may take him to be supposing ) a matter of having a whole lot of simpler properties , such as having a certain sort of head , a certain sort of tail , and so forth .
2 The point is simply that the account of mental processes which folk psychology provides , constitutes an explanation at an appropriate level of abstraction for the purposes of explaining behaviour scientifically .
3 My point is simply that once an ‘ emic ’ definition is attempted , we must go beyond looking for an ‘ essential ’ definition of an isolated concept , and discuss the whole structure of moral categories .
4 Just as the exercise of power is heterogeneous , so is resistance ; Foucault 's point is simply that ‘ there is no single locus of great Refusal , no soul of revolt , source of all rebellions , or pure law of the revolutionary ’ .
5 The point is simply that the potential benefits from regulation can be very large .
6 Quinn 's fundamental point is simply that it is foolish to try to produce a total group-wide analysis at a given time and then to go ahead rapidly implementing that , ignoring the changing external and internal environments .
7 The point is simply that in all positions , other than the two attributive ones , the entity has already been identified before the adjective is brought into direct or indirect constructional contact with it .
8 My point is simply that the decision to put something in other words is a decision about style , which like all decisions about style , is constrained by the search for relevance .
9 But the important point is not that they would hesitate to do it , but that we would not be interested if they did .
10 The essential point is not that a feminist reading of the eighteenth century is impossible , but that it must , as Munns suggests , recognize not only sexual difference , but the difference between one century and another
11 The point is not that some have been forgiven a greater number of sins than others or that some are ‘ worse sinners ’ than others but that some see their need of forgiveness and others do not .
12 The point is not that we in any way deliberately do down the intelligence of animals — although we do this as well — but that it is hard for us to imagine the workings of forms of intelligence that have evolved to cope with environmental circumstances different from our own .
13 My point is not that we might count the relations between parts as themselves parts — though this is not necessarily mistaken — but that the relations into which the parts enter in making up the whole affect their character and value so that they do not necessarily have the same value as they would have had out of that whole .
14 The point is not that the theological pronouncements of scientists are to be discounted but rather that they do sometimes have to be seen as efforts at mediation .
15 The point is not that everyone needs property to be free ; some people have little or no property but are not necessarily any the less free as a result .
16 The point is not that companies are ideal mechanisms for making decisions which have important social effects ( in the sense that we would choose them for this purpose other considerations being equal ) .
17 Of course , the rival may fight back , but the point is not that this type of calculation ensures a successful barrier to entry , but that it provides a way of assessing what it will cost the rival to surmount the barrier to attain cost leadership .
18 His point is not that the other two legs are invulnerable , but that far too much of America 's political energy has gone into discussing ICBMs and far too little into submarines , cruise missiles , stealth bombers ( which could be used against targets other than the Soviet Union ) and especially command and control centres .
19 So Grice 's point is not that we always adhere to these maxims on a superficial level but rather that , wherever possible , people will interpret what we say as conforming to the maxims on at least some level .
20 The point is just that some basic concepts relating to the experience curve may still be valuable if used with intelligence and discretion .
21 The point is here that he has mentioned in his press release a number of okay local people , and by doing this in this particular way he has greatly increased the possibility and probability of ending up with a piece in the local newspaper .
22 The point is also that the raising of children is work .
23 In this case it is wrong to speak of the wording of the trust as being free ; the point is instead that it is possible to construe a trust in order to validate a disposition , for their existence or non-existence is not attested purely by the use or non-use of certain forms .
24 The point is however that Olympia was not a classic nude or even a high-class courtisane , but as Clark notes , a ‘ fille publique ’ , ‘ a faubourienne ’ .
25 The point is rather that we now have a strong data base from which to operate , and that the technical means are now available which would reveal precisely what our signals do mean ; perhaps to show that there are monsters , perhaps to find , at least beyond reasonable doubt , that their existence is too unlikely to warrant further study .
26 The point is rather that the so-called independent check is a mere repetition of the procedure which it is supposed to be checking .
27 My point is merely that even if this is so , the fact remains that narrow neutrality is often all that is meant by ‘ neutrality ’ .
28 The point is only that there are long-term trends and patterns in crime , violence , and disorder .
29 The point is only that this is as a direct result of the accounting method adopted rather than any policy decision .
30 The point is now that the individual comes to fear wanting even to relate because the relationship itself might be destroyed .
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