Example sentences of "during the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is it totally impossible for her to have slipped home during the critical time ? ’
2 And of course , Bullitt had directly observed the man and interacted with him during the critical time at , at the Versailles conference .
3 Some couples feel they enjoy intercourse more after abstaining during the fertile time .
4 Changes of climate have also been investigated during the historic time scale when a range of historical techniques have been utilized , including diaries and records together with sedimentary evidence , and information from faunal remains , archaeology , tree rings and ocean deposits , and G. Manley , a geographer at London University prior to his appointment as the first Professor of Environmental Sciences at Lancaster University , was one who researched many of the obscure details of climatic fluctuations in Western Europe ( e.g. Manley , 1952 ) .
5 Such features are not consistent with the idea that the peninsula was built by longshore drift from the east , unless such drift was active only for short periods while during the intervening time the drift was predominantly from the west .
6 Félicie waited with him for news of the birth , and during the anxious time Modi asked her for advice , knowing that Jeanne was too preoccupied in looking after him and coping with her mother 's often unhelpful interference to look after a new baby alone .
7 In general , regular exercise helps to lessen period pains as may vigorous exercise during the painful time especially if it mobilises the pelvic area .
8 Not all cases known to the indicator agencies were examined , but only those who were resident in the Borough of Wirral during the specified time period .
9 Volume is usually measured as the total number of contracts traded during the specified time period .
10 During the whole time they were there , they were not bothered by aircraft .
11 He left the room and Newman swung round to face Monica who had remained like a piece of the furniture during the whole time since he 'd arrived .
12 During the whole time I was anorexic , there is only one reference in my diary to feeling cold , and that was when the school heating system failed .
13 Horatia 's supposed to have lost her memory during the whole time she was away .
14 She had not had one day 's illness during the whole time .
15 We lost one man from the ground crew during the whole time we were overseas .
16 Her breakdown can not be better described than in her own words : ‘ She saw , as she thought , devils opening their mouths all inflamed with burning waves of fire , as if they would have swallowed her in , sometimes ramping at her , sometimes threatening her … night and day , during the aforesaid time ’ .
17 The use of the relay at this point may seem a bit odd as the switching could be electronically activated , but the use of a mechanical relay introduces a small but desirable time variation ( as well as possible bounce ! ) in the duration of the relays closure and so helps in enhancing the random operation of IC6 during the short time that the VCO is producing its high frequency output .
18 He was n't very fond of the river Wye , for its rocky crevasses had claimed too many young lives even during the short time he had been there .
19 During the short time their marriage had lasted , there had been so many times when she had given in to Julius 's forceful demands , just to keep the peace .
20 Two of them ( the men , I mean ) became quite fond of John during the short time he was with them , and expressed much regret at his leaving , begging him to come again and to bring his gin , meaning his wife , with him . ’
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