Example sentences of "rather [conj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The CAP reforms also affect non-farmers and it has been proposed that an annual premium of 150 ECU per hectare would be payable for a period of 20 years to private individuals rather than farmers who afforest agricultural land .
2 It assumes we are all atomized individuals with competing rights , rather than beings whose very existence is based on profound interconnections with one another .
3 Quality : If a firm makes a component rather than buys it from an external party it has greater control over the quality of the component .
4 Nevertheless , there is a long tradition of general education in higher education there ( which suggests that it is England rather than Scotland which is atypical in this respect ) .
5 Dry hair is hair which lacks moisture rather than hair which lacks oil .
6 As Robert Paul Wolff pointed out in an acute critique of conventional pluralism , it is easier and more plausible to urge compromise when it is interests rather than principles which are at stake .
7 In one photograph , which featured the juxtaposition of two O'Keeffe works , rather than O'Keeffe herself , Stieglitz confirmed what he believed was the meaning of her art .
8 Walker ( 1975 ) has noted that mature students who did not satisfy the GER obtained significantly better degree results than all students while mature students who satisfied the GER did not differ significantly from the norm , and in seeking an explanation for this he points to the fact that those who did not satisfy the GER are on average somewhat older and can be seen as genuine returners , rather than students who have taken longer to meet the traditional qualifications .
9 As Dr Turnbull has pointed out , it is hardly meaningful to talk of a trans-regional network before 1810.42 Significantly it was Birmingham rather than London which was the hub .
10 That is , why is it that some people rather than others who experience the type of disparity described above become committed to a movement for moral reform ?
11 Corinth , then , not Sparta , was most nearly affected by the rapprochement between Athens and Megara in 460 and , consistently with this , it was Corinth rather than Sparta who fought Athens hardest in the war which now broke out , the First Peloponnesian War , of 460–446 .
12 By luck rather than judgement they chose what , in publishing terms , was a good , if late , launch date , 14 October 1966 .
13 The study of social and economic aspects of early Anglo-Saxon society are still viewed as spin-offs from art-historical and technological study rather than topics worthy of treatment in their own right ; when thematic studies have been produced in recent years the themes have tended to remain based on site-types or artefacts rather than themes which may be more directly relevant to past human behaviour ( Wilson 1976a ) .
14 Individual judges may give more or less weight to the fact that it is the government rather than Parliament which drafts legislation and decides what it shall contain .
15 These advisers are more likely to be accountants , rather than lawyers whose principal role in this respect is likely to be in advising on the interpretation of the statutory provisions rather than on the financial state of the companies which the information reveals .
16 Although ( according to attitudinism ) ethical statements express attitudes rather than beliefs they are in many ways quite comparable to factual statements which express beliefs .
17 But what we 're proposing here essentially , is to say we 've got a seventy thousand pound contingency not specifically allocated , we will reduce that down to thirty thousand , but within that thirty thousand we will have to deal with requests we get to increase grants to people who 're already in receipt of grant support , and also we 've also found it extremely helpful to have a small reserve so that when a body comes along and says I would do this for you , but I do need a small grant in order to do it , and you 're effectively buying a hundred thousand pounds worth of service for ten thousand pounds , that you have actually got a ten thousand pounds to put it in , rather than funding everyone , so that 's basically the policy behind it Chair .
18 It had taken a week to obtain , and had Hapsburg officialdom realized that it was for him rather than Aranyos it would have been unlikely to arrive before the end of the war .
19 Oswiu 's son and successor , Ecgfrith , rather than Oswiu himself , is far more likely to have asserted his lordship over the Scots in the wake of his suppression of a Pictish revolt c. 672 .
20 The colour of the duns varies from dark to silvery pale dun , and in fact is dun rather than red which is the common recessive in the breed and which could suggest a link with Scandinavia , where dun was a common colour .
21 It is Leavis rather than Lewis who , when he writes of literature , sounds washed in the blood of the Lamb .
22 A common complaint from clients and workers is that courts give young women sentences designed to control and confine their behaviour rather than punishments which fit their crimes .
23 For that reason if for no other it was essential to draw him out rather than subject him to interrogation .
24 It is more probable that the managers will seek to pursue their own goals rather than subject their decisions to the norm of profit-maximization .
25 Plans can be designed to " failsafe " in the sense that failure returns the organisation to its base position rather than propels it to disaster .
26 He sees the ball early and strokes , rather than forces it through the gap in the field .
27 Also , examples which reflect everyday human interests — e.g. going on holiday , buying household goods , holding a raffle — rather than ones which focus on male-dominated activities such as football and motor car racing , may help girls ( and boys ) become aware of the general usefulness of mathematical skills in everyday life .
28 Contract markets , therefore , may be sought for the volume and unit cost savings they bring , rather than profitability itself .
29 It is a measure of Mr Smith 's extraordinarily well-starred political horoscope that it was his quiet , determined recovery from his illness — rather than illness itself — that leaves the more lasting impression in one 's mind .
30 The satirical phrase used to embarrass the ‘ Action Men ’ is that they have the ‘ John Wayne syndrome ’ ; the fact it is Wayne rather than Rambo who is used to ridicule them gives a clue that it tends to be the older members of the force who use the term to describe the exuberant younger policemen .
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