Example sentences of "while [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Berkeley 's desire to support non-sceptical common sense , while accepting from the philosophers something common sense would not , gives an awkward complexity to what he says .
2 The document suggested that every school has a common aim , that of helping children ‘ to meet the basic academic and social demands of adult life ’ while allowing for the unique differences that exist between child and child .
3 However , most of the literature does not satisfactorily account for the simultaneous determination of wages and membership while allowing for the interaction between the free rider problem and workers ' tastes .
4 India supports the Kabul government , much to the annoyance of Pakistan and most western countries ; but while allowing for the mischievous nature of Mr Gandhi 's remark , they suspect that it is no more than the truth .
5 Gregory sees her as the prime mover in this , while allowing for the importance of divine intervention in Clovis 's victory against the Alamans .
6 Our assistance breaks that barrier while allowing for the funds to come back to the Network when the company steps up production and is earning a return on its investment .
7 Louis , a sportsman and only child , was struck while jogging at the edge of the road .
8 Louis , an all-round sportsman and only child , was struck while jogging at the edge of the road on 13 July .
9 The task of mission , while depending on the empowering and guidance of the Holy Spirit , also requires human planning .
10 Kington 's river trip was eight days on a slow boat in the company of U Thien San , who guided the writer on matters like whether it is customary to talk while eating with the Burmese , and whether the monk sharing their cabin was really a spy .
11 It was Geoffrey Howe , I am told , who knocked on one door while canvassing at a by-election in Epping , to be greeted by a tiny , wrinkled old lady rushing at him with arms outstretched : ‘ Oh Geoffrey at last I 've met you , my fluffy , cuddly little teddy bear ! ’
12 I encountered an old lady of a more awkward sort while canvassing for the Tory candidate in Crosby — a by-election subsequently won for the SDP by Shirley Williams .
13 I first met Mr. Docherty , a 32-year-old man who originates from the Hemsworth area , while canvassing in a local government by-election in my constituency during March this year .
14 ‘ Poor Tom would have been so very unhappy if he 'd known of this situation , ’ she 'd sniffed while fumbling for a handkerchief .
15 In her book she describes a conversation with a poet friend while resting on a climb to the top of the highest beacon in the Malvern range .
16 However , I found that my arm rested quite comfortably along the 44mm-thick body , allowing relaxed fingerstyle playing while resting on the neck-side of the pickup .
17 Note that in practice Silver and Knitmaster chunky and double knit machines should NOT be set to tuck while knitting with the ribber .
18 Rediscovering and making heroes of overlooked Old Mistresses does n't challenge the exclusivity of art history , the way it masquerades as a specialism — so it talks only about form and sources , influences and patrons — while collaborating with the class of owners and dealers in art as rich people 's commodities because it never talks about social conditions of race , class , gender or sexuality .
19 In particular , the boys drift into and out of minor delinquencies while hanging around the streets in groups looking for something to do , as the following extract from his study illustrates .
20 The government 's aim was to keep the budget deficit to within 3 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) , or GD 60,000,000 , while building on the achievements of the 1985-90 economic recovery plan ( ERP — see p. 35110 ) .
21 However , he finally got his comeuppance during the chilly winter of 1975 , when he got his penis stuck in a milk bottle while masturbating behind a hedge during a games lesson .
22 The bar-room whose porch I was leaning on , while gazing at the street , was surrounded by cameras , lighting and film crew .
23 Hands are also important in body language , usually to provide points of emphasis , while shaping with the hands the object being discussed , or an event , or signalling directions .
24 Miss Whiplash was in fact dressed up in thigh boots and a tightly-laced bodysuit while seeing to the likes of you in her torture chamber .
25 The citizens were literally waiting to seize the disembarking troops and bear them off to their homes for lavish entertainment , while singing on the quayside was the ample figure of Perla Siedle Gibson , ‘ The Lady in White ’ .
26 Couch potatoes can run the London Marathon , take an in-depth reccy around St Paul 's , and do nine rounds with Chris Eubank , all while tucking into a freshly-delivered deep-pan !
27 He stared at her while drawing in a deep breath , which expanded his broad chest further ; then he said , ‘ Well , if you want to know , you should n't look as you do ; you attract the wrong kind .
28 The 26-year-old midfielder has flown home from Italy while recovering from a knee operation to help in the kitchen of his wife Rachel 's Italian restaurant Amici Mia in Wolverhampton .
29 In 1893 while recovering from a bout of influenza he wrote You will see from this heading that I am not dead yet , nor likely to be .
30 He learned to knit clothes for himself and others , and on the wall of his Stuttgart home there hung a big , beautifully designed and stitched carpet which he made in 1952 while recovering from an illness .
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