Example sentences of "never have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could never have done that .
2 ‘ I should never have done that , ’ Willi said gloomily .
3 ‘ Yes , the Gruagach would never have done such a thing if it had n't been suggested to them , ’ put in Feradach .
4 Women should never have done such heavy work .
5 ‘ You 'd never have done this if your grandfather had been alive ! ’
6 ‘ I could never have done this much before , but keeping busy has been a very important part in losing weight and keeping it off , ’ she says .
7 How very strange that I should never have seen that .
8 I would never have seen that
9 The artists lived as one extended bickering family and writers and painters who would never have seen each other before the war were thrown together .
10 It was n't dispassionate , but distressingly vulnerable ; even ( though Estabrook would never have breathed this aloud ) beautiful .
11 Certainly I should never have countenanced any such career for a daughter of mine . ’
12 Even though individual Christians might never have suffered any harassment , their corporate existence and their way of thinking were determined by this condition .
13 ‘ Without therapy , ’ John said , ‘ I could never have appeared nude .
14 I noticed his saying in a magazine interview that he could never have survived these past few years without the help of Fleet Street — and that struck me as an unusually candid confession for a politician .
15 Without the help of Daniel Marsh she would never have survived those dreadful days .
16 On the other hand , some may never have placed such emphasis on independence in their lives , or never felt that they had very much independence in the first place .
17 Svidrigailov would never have said that ; he would have gone on making jokes about America .
18 He would never have said that to anyone living .
19 Even though Gundovald can never have said some of the things which Gregory attributes to him , the bishop of Tours must have had some reason for putting the words into his mouth .
20 For the first time she regretted being an identical twin ; none of this would have happened if she and Dana had been ordinary sisters , but then you might never have met Roman Wyatt , her subconscious whispered .
21 It is also possible that Mercury formed heterogeneously , in which case it need never have become hot enough to differentiate , though it is then more difficult to account for any widespread crater erasure .
22 Many activists in Paisley 's Protestant Unionist Party insist that they would never have become involved in politics if there had remained one reliable traditional unionist party .
23 To the old long-stay patients re-established in community settings and the younger chronic patients who may never have become institutionalized should be added the relatively small but significant number of mentally abnormal offenders whose discharge from special hospitals gave rise to the 1975 Report of the committee on mentally abnormal offenders ( Cmnd. 6244 ) , together with the growing number of elderly people with mental health problems , including dementia ( Health Advisory Service , 1982 ) .
24 She 'd never have waited this long .
25 It should never have reached that stage where competitors got there under such circumstances .
26 Individual minds separately at work could never have reached such a silly conclusion . ’
27 ‘ We would never have reached this point if the Federation had accepted its responsibility and punished Philippe Gimbert ’ .
28 It should never have reached this stage .
29 It is also certainly the case that the global capitalist system has brought to hundreds of millions of people a standard of living that their parents would never have believed possible .
30 ‘ I would never have believed such a place existed , ’ she continued , glancing round the cave .
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