Example sentences of "us [to-vb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 1910 dispute , which is particularly well documented in the press as well as in manuscript sources , enables us to see that on this occasion at least , the women did not stand by and wait for it to be resolved over their heads .
2 Would it be sensible for us to agree that on Monday of next week , we finalise , authorise and reissue procedures , that we discuss whatever Simon 's put to us now , and give feed back so that you can actually take the final documents next week and that Rita and Stella you take
3 it does not indeed oblige us to assert that in 1963 , unlike 1300 , theology is education and all else vanity .
4 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
5 The high diagnostic efficiency of cGMP , its stability , and the possibility of direct cGMP determination in plasma samples lead us to conclude that in patients with heart failure measurement of cGMP is an alternative to measurement of natriuretic peptides for routine clinical laboratory medicine .
6 Given the fact that the temporal relation between means and end is clearly one of before to after , and the fact that when used with an infinitive how denotes the means and the infinitive the end , our hypothesis leads us to predict that to should be found after how .
7 It may be that Luke is referring to this tradition , and if so , he will mean us to understand that on the day of Pentecost , the gathered representatives ‘ from every nation under heaven ’ heard the mighty deeds of God being proclaimed , ‘ every man … in his own language ’ .
8 In all these cases , our knowledge of what these words mean in English , and the very general context of our world knowledge would lead us to suppose that in all cases the farmer is the agent and the duckling at the receiving end of the action : the farmer does the killing and the duckling gets killed .
9 And having that mathematical description allows us to change that from summing all the N tuple to doing a product of all N tuple .
10 Will he assure us that next week 's debate will be far-reaching enough for us to explain that in the early days of the Conservative Government — 1979 and 1980 — we had to repay massive debts incurred by the previous Labour Government and that since then we have religiously cut taxation ?
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