Example sentences of "'ve [adv] got [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So we 've literally got to dove-tail this into whatever other current arrangements they have , including any other P H I they 've already got .
2 The reason I ask is cos they 've obviously got ta send the card , if the cards back , you break down between now and Monday .
3 Well it takes , I mean if to start off with you 've got ta get rich peasants to save some surplus and then see he 's not gon na invest every single surplus in one year cos the harvest next year might be no good so you 've got the sort of vagaries of the Chinese weather situation so you 've obviously got ta sort of stock up
4 ‘ They 've obviously got to be able to speak to people at all levels , ’ said a supervisor of his field men .
5 ‘ Anyway , I 've obviously got to be here if you 're going to be leading the good life , since I 'm a major component of it . ’
6 What you 've obviously got to why did I mention yeah , you marry , but if something 's be down , is n't gon na change .
7 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
8 But you must be erm erm you 've obviously got to be Guinness addicted .
9 We 've all got to be looking over our shoulders .
10 We 've all got to be healthy enough to challenge the situation .
11 ‘ I 've only got to the end of the year but my family will be carrying on where I left off .
12 I do n't know what anyone else says , you 've only got to be in prison a week — no , a day — and all you want when you get out is revenge , to go and get drunk and do something really stupid like break a shop window or something .
13 Yeah , well I mean if you 've only got to the one machine you do n't need two boards necessarily do you ?
14 dear oh dear , and she said to me well they can get these crook locks , they 've only got to a , they 've only got to bend the steering wheel , I said will
15 You 've only got to bag it up and put it on the side of the road .
16 I 've only got to bloody si , I 've only got about the same .
17 This way where good job we 've only got as minute .
18 And then the stairs the stairs are facing you like that , so you 've only got about about a metre of in between the bottom of the stairs and your front door and you s just sort of go in through there an and you 're in the living room .
19 Underneath the screen up in the pie in the sky I mean that I mean I 've known that when you 've only got about that much where you should have that .
20 I 've only got to bloody si , I 've only got about the same .
21 Well up , well I 've only got about er , we 're only on ninth one just
22 ‘ Yer 've only got ta read between the lines in the newspapers .
23 You probably realise there are loads of problems , from a legal point of view , you 've only got ta think of the Piper Alpha , and most of the major disasters which do occur .
24 But unfortunately , again , we 're goi , going back history-wise , the civils and the mechanicals and electricals , and you 've only got ta go to London and see what palatial places they got just virtually adjacent to the Houses of Parliament you 'll find mechanical engineers , and also the civil engineers in Bird Cage Walk .
25 And you 've only got ta go if you go in the Savoy Hotel and just turn slightly left and you 'll find electrical headquarters there as well , and quite obviously they are very powerful organisations !
26 some friends at here , they er was in the woods line and er the gaffer , Ernie , we went through Little London School together , and he says anything we can do , anytime Richard , you 've only got ta say .
27 You 've only got ta look in the back of the T T G because there 's now four pages of jobs compared to half a page
28 Yes I know , but we 're not er we wo n't fiddle about with them until we get well on to the way because if we do that now we got ta take the welder up , you 've only got ta cut them off again because they 're in the way for the rest of the bloody coaches .
29 I 've only got ta take that 's all .
30 I 've only got ta mention , yeah I 've got ta got to mention bed I 'm going to bed now .
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