Example sentences of "my [noun pl] to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have always wanted to write for as many people as possible , I want my books to be on the general fiction shelves as well as the feminist shelves . ’
2 So , as I have recounted already , there came into being The Perfect Murder , which turned out to be the first of my books to be published in America .
3 And even when I learned you were a prying journalist — and when I 've always preferred my walks to be solitary — what do I find but that I 'm asking if you would like to walk with me ! ’
4 I consider my ears to be small — and I think you 're very rude . ’
5 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
6 I like my long-nets to be 20 meshes wide and each knot spans 2 inches ( 5 centimetres ) , knot to knot .
7 I am not expecting my parents to be reaching the end of their life when they are fortyish but I am likely to be expecting this , although probably unconsciously , when my parents are ninetyish .
8 ‘ I expect my guests to be polite , señorita , ’ he informed her icily .
9 And I could wish my days to be
10 I did that and now because of the corrupt politics of an organisation hated and disrespected around the world they 're challenging my rights to be called world champion .
11 But if I claim that my religious experience is experience of God , then I am not simply talking about my own feelings but about a transcendent being that I am claiming my feelings to be feelings of .
12 If , at any point , I thought that his solicitude was the sort of tender kindness you might show to someone utterly dependent and helpless — a prisoner or a caged bird — I was ashamed at once and re-doubled my efforts to be a good wife , asking Nonni to teach me how to cook the elaborate dishes Richard liked , and taking care to change my dress before he came home in the evening .
13 I would give my eyeteeth to be a soprano , and to be able to get that high . ’
14 But undeterred by background or family opinion , I 'd written to the BBC to let them know of my ambitions to be a broadcaster — and was dismissed without benefit of an interview .
15 In ‘ It Swings , Jocko ’ he says , ‘ I want my dreams to be of deprivation … ’ ( which is , after all , the mother of poetry ) .
16 ‘ And to tell my friends to be more careful where they discussed other people 's affairs !
17 Or should I perhaps sit down in Salzburg with the empty hope of some better fortune , let Wolfgang grow up , and allow myself and my children to be made fools of until I reach the age which prevents me from travelling and until he attains the age and physical appearance which no longer attract admiration for his merits ?
18 ‘ All I really want is to have a home of my own and for my children to be happy . ’
19 I need my children to be writing and
20 She expected my clothes to be bloodstained ! ’
21 One last thing — I should like my letters to be returned — all my letters without fail — not because I do not trust your honour , but because they are mine , now , because they are no longer yours .
22 ‘ I 'm pleased with the commercials I 've made , but I consider my photographs to be the medium through which I can express myself , ’ he says .
23 It 's no fun for my colleagues to be away .
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