Example sentences of "have [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Several interesting compounds have been isolated from traditional health-promoting plants such as liquorice , spikenard , the jujube , and senega , as well as many Far Eastern or Indian plants , which do not have European common names .
2 Unfortunately Lester did not have complete artistic control over the picture .
3 In practice , this action is not likely to be taken very often because it may have undesirable disruptive effects on the financial system .
4 The Cornish Rex was discovered in 1950 when it was noticed that a cat with the unusual name of Kallibunker did not have normal feline fur .
5 It can have far-reaching financial consequences affecting not just you , but your home and family too .
6 Secondly , Habermas points to a methodological possibility that could have far-reaching epistemological effects .
7 Where he did have strong personal views , he proved less willing or less able to implement them over the opposition of others .
8 Do your managers have strong interpersonal skills ?
9 Again , the interpersonal exchanges in which spoken language is first met may have strong emotional significance ( Donaldson , 1984 ) .
10 The most obvious examples of this are contingency theories of a ‘ culture-free ’ variety ( Hickson et al. , 1974 ) but it is also the case with certain kinds of institutional theory , such as in Biggart and Hamilton 's ( 1987 : 437 ) hypothesis that ‘ [ l ] eadership strategies in any one socio-cultural setting will have strong underlying similarities ’ .
11 In fact , native speakers do overlap here ; they do have differential phonological rules controlling the distribution of /a/ and /Ε/,; and they do make spelling mistakes involving a and e .
12 South Africa , he says , must have friendly black neighbours to her North , and will see to it that Smith ‘ settles ’ with the black majority on terms that achieve this .
13 This is necessary because the psychological action on many bodily processes can be so great that even a sugar pill can have striking therapeutic effects if the person believes it will .
14 Again , small amounts can have striking political consequences — witness Israel and India with about 300kg of plutonium each .
15 However , British members of parliament do have extensive outside interests and many are retained to act on behalf of groups .
16 Despite the fact that carnitine has not been studied in coeliac disease patients in other geographical areas and dietary carnitine was not studied in our population , it seems that this population does not have nutritional carnitine deficiency .
17 The Director of CIFAD must have outstanding academic credentials in the agricultural sciences ( social or biological ) ; management experience ; a sound knowledge of and direct experience with developing nations ; and the vision and leadership required to catalyse interdisciplinary research , teaching and outreach activities .
18 Research on , for example , molluscan biology , archaeology , vegetational variation , etc. , may have Scottish areal content , and may to some extent impinge on the geology , but their relationships with the earth sciences were not straightforward , and research would have necessitated the use of bibliographical resources outwith the field of geology .
19 Remember , though , that even such simple ligands as may have non-bonding valence-shell orbitals .
20 There appears to be contradiction here ; clearly partnerships , to be worth their invention and investment must have clear intended outcomes which are mutually understood .
21 Those people who are involved in promoting sex education should have high moral standards and be approved of by parents as should their lesson plans and schemes of work .
22 Erm for what it 's worth , I 'll give you my suggestions about what we should do as far as ticket prices are concerned er , having taken in a view of the most important factor of the treasurer 's comments but also bearing in mind that we did have high recurring expenses this year , which wo n't apply in future and we 're not here to make money .
23 We did n't have French this morning .
24 He can have light yellow ones
25 You 'll have soaking wet socks in school .
26 With the proviso that such patients may have atypical cerebral organisation for speech the amytal test provides the best estimate we have of speech lateralisation in left and mixed-handers .
27 As the investigators are themselves out-group members , they can not have reliable prior intuitions as to the social meanings conveyed and must investigate these by observation and analysis .
28 Moreover , it is also certain that English-speaking scholars do not have reliable retrospective intuitions about EModE pronunciation any more than they have reliable intuitions about divergent states at the present day .
29 But in previously unexplored speech communities , we do not have reliable social intuitions either .
30 For the first time you can have electronic anti-lock brakes across the whole range , and on certain models you can specify refinements such as power steering , air conditioning and a CD player .
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