Example sentences of "may be [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Where a change of use occurs the local planning authority is concerned with the intended use to which the property is to be put in order that the character of the locality may be maintained in accordance with other development schemes .
2 These would include its use in emergency airway management in the field and in cervical spine injury as the neck may be maintained in the neutral position during insertion and laryngoscopy is not needed .
3 Secondly , it acts as a source of capital and labour which can be indirectly utilised by other forms of capital that may be operating in different spheres of the economy .
4 If anything , the most common strategy by far seems to be to abandon the thematic organization of the source text in favour of adhering to whatever word-order principles may be operating in the target language .
5 Details of the science experiments which the astronaut will carry out may be revealed in the next week or two , Professor Heinz Wolff , of Brunel University , said .
6 Such mixture of affective psychosis and schizophrenia may be revealed in changes in the symptom profile that are observed when the person is studied over a period of time , or it may be evident within a single episode of illness .
7 Research leading to the degrees of Master of Philosophy ( MPhil ) or Doctor of Philosophy ( DPhil ) may be undertaken in all Faculties .
8 Further procedures which may be undertaken in cases where more detailed information is needed or where it is suspected that there may be serious problems with vision include the visually evaluated response ( VER ) and the electroretinogram ( ERG ) .
9 Work for the degree of MPhil and PhD may be undertaken in the Unit as well as in the main department .
10 The aim of this Council was presumably to rationalize post-16 vocational provision , and establish criteria according to which the various existing qualifications may be accredited in a uniform way .
11 This is thought to facilitate moving around on twigs and branches which , for a bird that lays its eggs in nests that may be hidden in thick vegetation , is an advantage .
12 ‘ THIS RECORD might be the stuff of tragi-comedy , but the funereal tune with cumbersome guitars and world-weary singing kills any irony that may be hidden in the lyrics . ’
13 Going a step further , the idea that conflict may be hidden in this way suggests that those who are relatively powerless may be unwilling or unable to translate their interests into claims on public policy .
14 Various complications arise , notably the fact that eurobond activities are typically only one business entered into by a conglomerate , the results of which may be hidden in its balance sheet ( though , given the importance of joint demand for fixed income business in general , total profits on the balance sheet may reflect the underlying profitability of eurobonds ) .
15 As the aggressor is propelled forward by his own weight , strength and momentum , he may be struck in the throat by any one of the basic hand techniques .
16 You may be fumbling in the dark — both literally and metaphorically -but you might as well know what it is you might find !
17 Nor is it a weighted argument to suggest that when teachers find that their school may be blackballed in future schemes of co-operation with other local schools they might not notice if in fact they had felt little practical benefit from any co-operation in the past .
18 As you equip such men and women , Lord , we pray that the Holy Spirit may be channelled through then to equip the whole church in the service of Christ ; that those who confess your name may be united in your truth , live together in your love and reveal your glory in the world .
19 In practical terms , business across national frontiers may be conducted in several ways .
20 Struggles between elites may be conducted in various ways .
21 both soil and groundwater may be treated in one step ;
22 Similarly , for juvenile offenders , the ‘ care order ’ under which they may be detained in an institution is for an unspecified period ; again , release is determined by rehabilitative , treatment criteria .
23 Some cases are susceptible to medical treatment , some require intensive nursing care , most respond to education and training and a small minority may be so severely impaired that they may be detained in hospital or placed under guardianship .
24 Furthermore , the submission of Mr. Collins ignores the fact that , since an injunction may be granted in an emergency to restrain an infringement of the law , for example the cutting down of a tree in breach of a tree preservation order ( see , e.g. , Newport Borough Council v. Khan ( Sabz Ali ) [ 1990 ] 1 W.L.R. 1185 ) , it may well be impossible in such circumstances to resolve the issue of a possible defence on the application for an interlocutory injunction .
25 Two other valid criteria for weeding may be employed in conjunction with use and publication date .
26 Although the phrase ‘ care workers ’ is not in general use , the term has been chosen to describe a wide range of people who may be employed in the voluntary or statutory sectors and who have responsibility for the services made available in the community to support old people and their caring relatives .
27 Shiftworkers lose sleep progressively while working the night or morning shifts , and may be employed in nursing , in controlling power stations or chemical plants , as well as in manufacturing industries .
28 Certain specialists such as female dieticians and nutritional experts may be employed in the health sector but in general positions in the contract catering field remain exclusively male .
29 The draftsman should , therefore , consider whether to impose on the tenant a limit to the number of persons who may be employed in the demised property in order to avoid overloading the available facilities .
30 Before introducing a new set of coordinates , it may be noted in passing that Feinstein and Ibañez ( 1989 ) have considered an alternative coordinate system and have expanded a general solution in a different way involving Bessel and Neumann functions of zero order .
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