Example sentences of "just as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , just as the empirical data on social inequality that were presented in Chapter 2 could be usefully explained through a combination of Marxist and Weberian theories , in this chapter , the concepts of closure and reproduction also help to bring Marxist and Weberian approaches together , this time for the analysis of the dynamics of class .
2 Just as the new Spurgeon's/Oasis venture goes back to Baptist roots , so do the organisers of ‘ Breakthrough 2000 ’ believe they are going back to roots .
3 Just as the new conceptual artists have more passion than they were at first credited with , so many of the new painters amount to more than the sum of their supposed influences .
4 Just as the new physics of Einstein will have such a devastating effect upon the philosophy of the twentieth century , so it is the physics of Isaac Newton ( 1642–1727 ) that so fires the imagination of the aristocratic intelligentsia .
5 Just as the new ministers encounter groups of civil servants within their departments with policy concerns that conflict with their own , so too they encounter local authorities keen to take new initiatives .
6 Eva left the room in a state of shock , saddened by the prospect of leaving the ICO just as the new initiatives were getting off the ground .
7 Just as the great majority of stations in the United States and Canada , particularly in the earlier period , were no more than frame sheds , so thousands of stations in Africa and Asia were very simple buildings indeed .
8 Tolstikov , a former skier who switched to running , just as the Swedish runner , Ingrid Kristensen did , puts his fitness down to his early recreation .
9 The final result is just as the simple quantity theory states , except that the monetarist view explains the process by reference to a stable demand for money function and an exogenously determined money stock which is under the control of the monetary authorities .
10 One can therefore say that the Reynolds stress works against the mean velocity gradient to remove energy from the mean flow , just as the viscous stress works against the velocity gradient .
11 The subject had a mission , just as the international organization that was created by the peacemakers , the League of Nations , had a mission to the international political system .
12 Just as the Black Power and civil rights movements in the USA during the 1960s focused on where African Americans were allowed to be , either by legislation or through convention , so too a crucial aspect of feminist thought is concerned with whether women are allowed to have a proportionate and equitable bodily presence in ‘ our ’ parliament , council buildings , unions , in the media as journalists , and throughout the hierarchies of all workplaces and organisations — including , of course , in the galleries and the pages of art magazines .
13 Just as the greater includes the less , so a provision for the marginal case must include the central case .
14 ‘ In the course of time the present [ 1954 ] conflict between Communism and Democracy , between East and West , is likely to pass just as the religious wars of the 16th and 17th century have passed .
15 As Basil Yeaxley put it back in 1925 : " the spiritual has a wider character than the religious , just as the religious does not fall wholly within the spiritual " ( Yeaxley 1925 : 46 ) .
16 April , Hitler had committed suicide , just as the Russian troops were in the process of overrunning Berlin , and on 8th .
17 Zinoviev , presiding over the Congress , blurred these differences and declared that just as the Russian Communist party was assisting the Chinese communists , so the French and Dutch parties should take care of Indonesia and Indo-China ; a curiously neo-colonialist policy which was to persist for several years .
18 Just as the archaeological establishment is slowly changing and a willingness to try new approaches becomes evident , so Earth Mysteries enthusiasts have begun to undertake archaeological training .
19 Just as the current crisis has a distinctly familiar ring to it , so too do the solutions being offered .
20 Just as the current English equivalents suggested here , it would appear that the Old French terms bore different degrees of markedness .
21 Just as the overall Tory campaign has had its weaknesses , so has its most important subsection : the Major campaign .
22 But just as the overall form of our body remains the same , despite the constant replacement of the atoms and molecules of which it is made , so is the overall form of nature maintained as identifiably the same old physical universe , though the pattern may alter markedly over the course of time .
23 When we responded that there were many tavern-league baseball players , yet baseball is covered as a sport , just as the average rugby player should n't stop deserving , serious rugby athletes from being covered , he snapped back : ‘ Are we having this conversation so you can pitch rugby or so you can get my answers to your questions ? ’
24 Just as the European Commission was preparing to issue its legal summonses , embarrassing evidence of a major new problem of eutrophication in the nation 's water system was coming to light , as rivers and reservoirs used for drinking water fill up with nitrate and phosphate .
25 Just as the Central Swiss communities around the Vierwaldstattersee had to struggle for their independent rights against the Austrian Hapsburgs , their confederates to the west of Bern had to confront the might of the Burgundian realm .
26 Citation and co-citation approaches often introduce bias into measures , and central influences are often not cited , because they are taken for granted ; they become an assumed part of the research paradigm , just as the all-pervading cosmic background black-body radiation is a palimpsest of the universe 's original Big Bang .
27 Just as the key factor or phrase may be changed so the rest of the wording of the question could alter , but the basic form of the problem remains the same .
28 However , just as the latter might be thought to have an intuitive grasp of affairs automotive which ought to be taken into account by anyone prone to theorising about the motor car , so it is conceivable that the way theoretical physicists regard the objects of their study might be a factor to be taken into account in assessing their significance .
29 Just as the latter is capable of expressing both subsequent actualization and subsequent potentiality , the former can evoke coincident actualization and coincident potentiality .
30 For just as the latter are then not receiving as much employment as they would normally like at the prevailing real wage rate , so the former are not providing as much as they would normally like .
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