Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could make tomorrow evening for dinner , though .
2 He confirmed that the Scottish Office money could cover only cash flow difficulties from the oil funds — not the producers .
3 Later still he got an oil engine ; and people at that time could buy both coal and oil from the miller . ’
4 The workers , placed in a situation where they could trust neither management nor union , entered into an uneasy alliance with the group , engaging in a series of discussions and meetings over the summer of 1980 .
5 If you , if you like , I could speak now Chair ?
6 I 'd just approached a woman ( who , it emerged , could speak only Mandarin ) , to ask her about the joys of cycling .
7 Lucien could smell only incense .
8 You could borrow there stock , is that what you 're thinking and then take back what we did n't sell .
9 This change came about not because we were getting too big for our binding , rather we felt we could do better justice to the rich pageant of life at Sainsbury 's with more elbow room .
10 What sort of creature was she after all who could feel only loathing for a woman who had suffered so ?
11 Perhaps we could ring tomorrow afternoon when the children are up ?
12 ‘ But they will never take you , Don — I will hide you here — no , I will hide you up at the old shieling hut — or we could run away west into Rannoch — ‘ There are forts everywhere .
13 We could see neither station nor buildings .
14 And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil .
15 Restlessly Leith moved over to the window , but while the view from her room was quite exquisite , she saw nothing of it and could see only Naylor 's furious face as he accused her of leading Travis on .
16 Only long cloaks blowing , up on top of the young dunes , a gaze of strange cold eyes , a flash of spear-points — then the rain drove across , and Ruth could see only night .
17 They could see only darkness from the invisible bars of their prison .
18 She could detect only agony : her eardrums rupturing under the pressure ; something cracking and tearing free , deep in her chest .
19 She could visualise only dimness and silence , and Hywel in a state of wrathful wonder at finding that alien woman , his wife , in his mother 's house .
20 The type of off-farm work occasionally dictated the enterprises that the farm could have as time off at critical periods could clash with the off-farm employment .
21 He stopped again and listened , but could hear neither musketry nor the sounds of marching men .
22 I tell you , I went up those steps faster than a scalded faggot , propelled by a barbarous diuretic terror on behalf of my exposed rear end The heavy door at the top did n't give until the fifth push , but by then I had turned , and seen the shrugging figures as they retreated into the light , and now I could hear only laughter .
23 Now , with new carts , he could drag both water and food to where they were needed .
24 England in 1920 , it testified to a similar recognition by him that the amateur ideal in the arts , however admirable in the abstract , and however rich its achievements under earlier structures of society , under the conditions of mass democracy could mean only amateurishness in technique , and thin-skinned insolence in debate .
25 Although he had influenced popes and kings , he ended his life as a disappointed man , mourning the passage of a simpler world in which a bishop could serve both church and monarchy .
26 While Tayside Region and Perth and Kinross District Council indicated they could afford only part of the survey , estimated at £80,000-£100,000 , the Scottish Office reply was unequivocal .
27 ‘ If we simply sit back and do nothing , we could lose both mother and baby .
28 The great advantage of Realism was that it could justify both accommodation and the building up of armaments in the name of a balance of power .
29 It could involve both satellite and ground base station wireless local area — and eventually wide-area networking .
30 Science could offer both sanctuary and its own brand of sanctification .
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