Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 Well , it began with just when I got me money each week , 'cos I had a job , a weekend job with me uncle and I 'd get me money and I 'd just go out and score , get a coupla bags or something and then me mates 'd come round here and say , ‘ Can I do a smoke in here ? ’ , y'know , and so they would and they 'd give me a smoke for coming in here and eventually it started getting , like , from weeks , from weekends to days , becoming every day , like .
2 Aye that was Well that that was on the platform when I got me face burnt and me left hand , which I think was burnt trying to protect me me head or face at the time .
3 ‘ I had always been interested in flying kites ever since I was young , so when someone offered me one for sale , I jumped at the chance , ’ added , whose wife has also become hooked on the sport .
4 I woke up when someone shook me by the shoulder .
5 This made me uneasy , and I was glad when someone gave me a glass of white wine .
6 ‘ Ye looked startled when ye saw me , ’ the man said .
7 I was n't gay , and when somebody asked me I 'd say , ‘ No , I 'm not ’ , which was the truth .
8 I heard the noise , and had my hand halfway to my gun when somebody beat me over the head with the Empire State Building .
9 ‘ All I did was come out for a walk before going to bed , and I was about by that place where the bank 's caved in , when somebody jumped me from behind .
10 I feared that , but I must always have wanted it too , because when you had me dismissed from that job — Oh , I hated that , I hated not being able to see you any more , but I thought it was you I hated .
11 ‘ I told you everything I saw when you interviewed me before . ’
12 After all , you were n't overly concerned about my feelings when you interviewed me the other day , were you ? ’
13 When you heard me I was imagining a process whereby you 'd have a strategic sites policy in the structure plan which would enable a local authority in preparing its local plan if it wished to identify a strategic site and that would then become in the local plan , you know subject to all those consultation processes , and then it 's part of the portfolio that is available in the published arena with a statutory framework behind it .
14 ‘ I came because I liked what I saw when you passed me in the corridor back in Helsinki .
15 I worshipped you , Angela , thought that I was coming back to you , and when you left me , you left me with nothing .
16 When you left me … well , ’ he added after a pause , ‘ let's say I was n't too thrilled .
17 and prayed , when you left me
18 When you asked me to undertake a review of the management of the Prison Service , I told you that I thought my recommendations would be easier for me to make than for you to implement , but you assured me you believed the climate was ready for some radical change .
19 Then when you asked me if you could have Bill for Thursday morning .
20 ‘ Where was I when you asked me if I wanted to marry a devious man like you ? ’
21 When you asked me to come into your bedroom my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to come leaping out ! ’
22 I could n't cope with a relationship that was so physical , I started to freeze up when you touched me .
23 WILLIAMS , formally ] I am very glad to see you well and I am very glad of an opportunity to acknowledge your good intentions when you believed me in distress .
24 ‘ Thomas , that night in the car , when you drove me to my brother 's , you showed me your … ’
25 ‘ Darling , I was n't completely asleep when you drove me home .
26 Come on , when you met me you knew damn well what I did .
27 When you struck me last night I — I felt only that I wanted you .
28 ‘ My career is precious to me — and you knew that when you married me .
29 You know what you were taking on when you married me . "
30 And when Laura had protested , as she frequently had , he had merely pointed out with brutal logic , ‘ You knew I was a businessman when you married me , Laura .
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