Example sentences of "been [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But she admits : ‘ Yes , there have been times of anger and frustration for me as well as Jack .
2 None of these people should ever have been prisoners of conscience .
3 Surely there would have been signs of porpoise tanks or something of that kind on board , and there was only the diving equipment and the submersible research vehicle .
4 Since July 1400 he had been archdeacon of Dorset , absentee but perhaps not without interest .
5 He had been Dean of Chichester since 1567 , during which time he had succeeded in alienating almost the entire chapter by his forthright attacks on venality , pluralism and spiritual laxity .
6 At least once in their lives , most of these men would have met Thorfinn : more perhaps than had come face to face with King Duncan in the six years of his reign and before , when he had been prince of Cumbria in the shadow of Malcolm his grandfather .
7 But the many miles of treeless river inhibits recolonization by otters , and even in the 1980s there have been cases of water authority workmen felling known otter holts .
8 Although there have been cases of viruses spreading on shrink-wrapped software , these are relatively rare .
9 Here , a granuloma forms around the larva on the retina , often resembling a retinoblastoma , and there have been cases of precipitate removal of the eye in children following misdiagnosis .
10 Cllr Murphy , who works for MDC as a caretaker for a block of flats in Coatbridge , says he can prove that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs went to Labour Party members .
11 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
12 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
13 In the past there 'd been cases of children who were witches .
14 Some people are wary of keeping Plecs in an aquarium with Discus as there have been cases of Plecs grazing off the sides of the Discus and leaving sucker marks on them but I have not seen any evidence of this from the Spotted Orange Pleco .
15 The Romanian Parliament had issued objections on Nov. 28 to the referendum 's being held in those Ukrainian territories which between 1918 and 1940 had been part of Romania , namely Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia , but which had been ceded to Ukraine under the terms of the Molotov-Ribentropp pact .
16 The House , as it was simply called , was a profitable little concern and it had been part of Agnes 's work since she had left school , six years ago , to see to the laundry , and with Maggie 's help , to its cleaning .
17 The hamlet of Thornholme has been part of Burton Agnes parish since time immemorial .
18 In the final conversation he had with them , McQueen told Boswell and Johnson of his adventures in the 1745 Rebellion , when he had been part of Bonnie Prince Charlie 's invasion force of England and got as far as Derbyshire , and fought at Culloden .
19 Since 1965 it has been part of Darwin College .
20 Husameddin 's argument , moreover , ignores the facts that Shams al-Din is known to have been part of Molla Fenari 's name but not , so far as can be discovered , of that of his son and that the son was regularly referred to as Mehmed Sah whereas it is not known that Molla Fenari ever was .
21 Unix System Laboratories , which has never officially been part of X/Open though it 's had a lot of informal dealings with it , is also expected to take advantage of the new technical membership and sign up .
22 The new state comprised the historic provinces of Bohemia and Moravia together with Slovakia which , until 1918 , had been part of Hungary , together with Ruthenia and a northern fringe of the Hungarian plain which , though it was Magyar-speaking , the new state claimed it needed on economic grounds .
23 Thus , the phenomenon may have been part of variability in English for many centuries — more common perhaps in some dialects than in others , receding at some periods and progressing at others .
24 Frequently seen on the campaign trail — including Scotland , Wales and Yorkshire — he has not been part of Major 's ‘ A-team ’ for the morning press conferences .
25 But it had just been part of Isabelle 's patient determination to make Sabine as bilingual as possible .
26 Mr Scott has been chairman of Stockton Council 's planning committee almost constantly since 1974 , says a dire slump in the local economy is enough in itself to sound a death knell for the Tories .
27 Metaphorically it has been an undoubtedly useful skill for the man who has , for the past six years , been chairman of Greater Glasgow Health Board .
28 Since 1988 he has been chairman of CAFOD .
29 Before that Ernest Armstrong had been chairman of Sunderland Borough Council 's education committee , responsible for introducing comprehensive schools to the town .
30 Sir Michael Angus Sir Michael Angus , leader of the Campaign for Resource , has been Chairman of Unilever plc and Vice-Chairman of Unilever NV since 1986 .
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