Example sentences of "have been [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I get back Lucker wonders where I have been all night .
2 Rovers have made enormous strides in the past 14 months and we were totally committed today — as we have been all season . ’
3 We 're all on air , we have been all morning
4 In this latter respect , government policy ( or the threat of intervention ) would seem to be the most significant factor tending to remove authority over collective bargaining to the national confederations.9 Attempts to align the outcome of wage negotiations with macroeconomic policy objectives have been one factor which has tended to raise the level of bargaining and it has played a significant role at certain periods in countries such as Holland , Norway and Austria .
5 For some people their whole working lives so far have been one scheme to the next , never getting any really worthwhile training and never being paid a decent wage .
6 These demand changes have been one source of the escalating costs of voluntary and private residential child care and this escalating cost has , in a time of severe fiscal constraint , itself contributed to a further fall in the demand for contracted out places by local authorities .
7 HAVE been sweating blood over the question of what is right and feasible to do .
8 There have been negative interference .
9 ‘ To date this year there have been 172 bomb incidents , 54 fewer than in the same period last year .
10 In the latest training exercise , aircrews with six months experience of the Hercules have been practising cargo drops from just two hundred and fifty feet .
11 The British Government have been practising euthanasia on the British coal industry and the Rothschild report is about to take that even further .
12 There have been sixteen drug regulatory actions worldwide against triazolam since 1980 aimed at the manufacturer 's recommended doses .
13 But there are two further points which emerge from considerations of a wide range of literature relating to public enterprise : big investment decisions have been complicated and delayed as a result of having to be considered by a number of government departments ; such decisions have been easy prey to party political pressures when they have involved the location of new plants and/or closure of old ones [ Knight , 1974 ] .
14 The past few years have been poor snow years for frustrated skiers .
15 Two other manufacturing industries illustrate how market-seeking investors have been shifting attention to efficiency-seeking investments as competition has intensified .
16 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
17 However , for several years now there have been low cost cameras like Polaroid 's Palette that provided a quick and effective alternative for those who either needed total confidentiality or were simply rather less fussy about the quality .
18 Although there have been recent price falls it should be remembered that in 1973 crude oil cost $2 a barrel .
19 Oxfords and brogue styles have been standard office issue for most of this century , but in the last 30 years the loafer has — thanks to its American and Italian perfectors — become a relaxed and stylish alternative to lace-ups , but there are purists who still harbour doubts about its suitability for the boardroom .
20 Since the formation of the system there have been eleven exchange rate realignments , the last one implemented in January 1987 ; ( b ) inducing a reduction of , and an increasing degree of convergence among members countries ' inflation rates ; ( c ) generating , as a result of ( a ) and ( b ) , a greater degree of real exchange rate predictability ; ( d ) encouraging lower and more convergent national money supply growth rates ; ( e ) reducing the variability of national inflation , money supply growth and interest rates .
21 There have been better hold-down devices of a home-made nature in Woodworker in the past — the best of them doubtless designed after some careful thoughts about an acceptable specification .
22 Most of these developments have bypassed the work of the established Rape Crisis Lines , which have been developing expertise in the counselling of women who have suffered sexual assault .
23 Some of the contracts have been straight business deals whereby the Provisionals and the property owners split the profit from the government compensation .
24 The report points out that over the past two years there have been international hotel mergers and acquisitions worth $8.8b ( £5.5b ) .
25 I mean I think to a , I think to a degree we always have been fifty sort of thing when the rock 'n' roll started to come over then again you see for we , we look little one .
26 They are usually quite a mixed group , some of whom have had bad experiences at school or have been long term truants .
27 And there have been long term er landlords there .
28 Many of the studies that do exist have been small scale or have had some other issue , such as integration , as their key focus , referring to welfare assistance either in passing or as a subsidiary concern .
29 There have been no breeding reports since 1945 although there have been five summer records of single birds in 1955 , 1964,1966,1971 and 1972 .
30 There have been substantial population losses in the more industrialized and urbanized regions , including the South East , North and North West , while the largest gains have been in the South West , East Anglia and the East Midlands .
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