Example sentences of "we can not [be] " in BNC.

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1 We can not be certain .
2 No planks for the flooring yet , and if it is raining we can not be on the roof .
3 We can not be like Red Indians , sitting in a circle and acting as one man. , ‘ Do you think we have lost that forever ? ’
4 We can not be expected to draft legislation at this stage , ’ he said .
5 He said : ‘ We have very good arguments to prove that we can not be held responsible for the actions of a few people who did not know what they were doing .
6 Or perhaps I should say , ‘ Another of the Black Sumatras has done it ’ — for our three sooty chickens of this exotic breed are indistinguishable from one another , and we can not be sure which of them has excelled itself .
7 But Gallop had doubts , or rather confesses an ambivalence : ‘ But we can not be sure that this radical notion of ‘ heterosexuality' ’ is not just an alibi for the comforting norm' ( pp. 127 — 8 ) .
8 Hers is a vulnerable yet crucial role as negotiator between difference : typically she is one who refuses to outcast herself from the black community and family , because aware of its value and importance , yet by virtue of that same tact subjected within them to sexual discrimination : ‘ we straddle the fence that says we can not be uplifters of the race and lesbians at the same time ’ ( ‘ Talking about It ’ , 54 ) .
9 It is groaningly cold , possibly as low as — -225°C ( — -13°F ) , although we can not be sure as Tony 's thermometer is buried under a mound of tackle .
10 We can not be sure of how to interpret the results .
11 Perfect we can not be , either by accident or ignorance ( like your sweet ignorance , little one ) , or by strenuous effort ; but we can be so near perfection that , from our present and ordinary level , that nearness would seem perfection itself .
12 We need to be certain that the revelation stems from God ; and we can not be as certain of this as we are of our reason-based knowledge of the particular truth in question .
13 We can not be held responsible for returned goods lost in transit .
14 In fact , we can not be sure what it really means . )
15 We can not be sure either about the speed of this mass Christianization or the means which brought it about .
16 This rumour may have been based on someone having witnessed some signs of a growing affection between Richard and Margaret , but we can not be sure .
17 Although we can not be categorical in relation to the cases in this study , other research has indicated that psychiatrists rarely trouble themselves with the social circumstances of individuals referred , and are rather preoccupied with evidence of mental disorder ( Bean , 1980 ) .
18 If we do not actually receive the money within this period , our computer will automatically cancel your reservation and we can not be held responsible if that holiday is subsequently not available .
19 In the modern world , we are reduced to an idealized figment of the communist imagination or we fall into secular despair , but we can not be exalted as a personal being , uniquely loved for our own sake .
20 The plain answer is that we can not be certain about it .
21 ‘ But then I feel sure we can not be talking about the same woman , Mr McKillop .
22 We can not be sure that , in choosing a place and time , God was making a point about gender .
23 Just because the human ear is ‘ deaf ’ to high frequency and low frequency sounds , as every scientist knows , it does not mean they do not exist , nor that we can not be affected by them .
24 That is , we have chosen two parishes in our particular town — and we can not be sure how typical the parishes or the town are of the rest of the country .
25 Unfortunately their ideas have not been tested out a great deal in other areas of London or the rest of the country , so we can not be at all sure whether the findings they claim are appropriate for application to the whole of our society are in fact so .
26 But even if we tend to look for the scholarly , non-involved biography of the great man or woman we can not be sure that the work will be beyond criticism .
27 We can not be far from the day of the conversation robot that will relieve us of obligation to greet politely the occasional recognisable human that strays across our path .
28 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
29 We can not be accountable for the choices that our children are going to make , even though we have contributed to those choices .
30 Each answer seems to have some merit , but we can not be certain which is the definitive one .
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