Example sentences of "we have [det] time " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , we were so anxious to get the figures right that we had little time to spend explaining why what we proposed was morally necessary .
2 It meant however that we had little time to relate our studies at any deep level to Buddhism , but it seemed unanswerable that people must have a deep understanding of their own faith before they can go on to study that of other people .
3 Not that we had much time for feeling anything , we were so busy in the Met Office just then .
4 ‘ I wish you could have talked about this when we had more time , Adam . ’
5 ‘ If we had more time I 'd take you up on that challenge you 're issuing , my lady , ’ he growled , in a voice that had gone dark and soft .
6 I had had nothing to read for three months , and now that we had some time to ourselves reading was a good way of distracting myself from the immediacies of life around me .
7 ‘ I thought perhaps things would be better if we had some time away from each other , so I agreed , even though it meant her taking time off from school before the end of term .
8 Oh no I we had some time off did n't we ?
9 Yeah , at the beginning was when sort of got twenty minutes left to do it erm we were fine there and I think it was the beginning part was and then we started panicking then like sort of after that you said oh do you want five minutes or more and we all sort of looked at each other you know and we did n't feel that we had enough time erm so we just sort of really
10 resulted in the controllers making … a puritan attack directed at the drug taking of the ( underground ) movement ; and since the drug-scene is complex and confused , and we have little time in which to develop a reliable folk-lore about drugs and how to take them ( as we have long ago done about alcohol ) , they have been particularly successful in fostering anxiety among teachers , parents and establishment figures .
11 Because we are engaged in practical actions of great complexity , which we nevertheless ‘ pull off ’ day after day , we have little time to stand back and analyse how we do all the things that we do .
12 Unfortunately we have little time for digressions however entertaining they might be .
13 We have little time .
14 Over the years we have many times benefited form the advice and support which the CCPR gives so generously .
15 Such women ( I include myself ) are probably a majority in the movement ( it was the sort of feeling that brought us into it in the first place , and anyway we have more time than mothers ) but not among women as a whole , most of whom appear to want to spend at least part of their lives having and raising children .
16 Yes I erm I would like to point out that we are looking er very closely at the sales and I 've just had a report on my desk from the head of finance which is the beginning of the discussions in the management team on er the sales erm and relation of loss of sales to profit and so on and the now we , the shop is in that position we 've had time t we have more time to assess how things are working out .
17 Save it for later , when we have more time to spare . ’
18 A lot of the tourists go over to the other side of the island , but I 'm afraid we 'll have to save that for another trip when we have more time . ’
19 Though we have several times discussed the subject of retirement , in connection with other drivers , on his own withdrawal from the sport I would rather let Jackie have the word .
20 We have several times talked about this period of his life , which Freud himself would find hard to fathom , and I think the answer to the manic-depressive cycle lies in the fact that Niki is Niki .
21 Additionally it might be argued that with the almost instantaneous transmission of information we have these days , the impact of hearing about individuals or groups or communities of people dying is that much greater because we have less time to prepare for bad news .
22 ‘ The sobering thought , as decades turn , ’ says social psychologist Duncan Cramer , ‘ is not only that we have less time to live , but that options also narrow . ’
23 Bernard , if we have any time to spare , better to stand and gaze at the name of the very street we live in , ‘ Mafeking ’ , and contemplate its significance .
24 But we have some time before the treasure is found , and there are some honest men among the crew .
25 Cou could I ask , before we go too deep into the issue , that if we are gon na use this er er make proper use of it , that we have some time to analyze the
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