Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Here we may recognize Comte 's influence in distinguishing the metaphysical stage associated with juristic thought from the stage of industrialism characterized by the rise of positivist thought .
2 We may mention Joyce 's habit of running words together in unbroken compounds ( coffinlid , petticoatbodice ) , and Dickens 's talking clock in Dombey and Son ( Ch 11 ) , which overawes young Paul by its repetition of : " How , is , my , lit , tle , friend ? how , is , my , lit , tle , friend ? " .
3 In the first category we may mention Kettner 's The Development of American Citizenship 1608–1870 ( 1978 ) and more particularly Pocock 's influential The Machiavellian Moment ( 1975 ) .
4 Here we may confront Lodge with his fellow critic-novelist , Anthony Burgess , who in Joysprick : an introduction to the language of James Joyce , proposes a division of novelists into " Class 1 " and " Class 2 A Class 1 novelist is one " in whose work language is a zero quality , transparent , unseductive , the overtones of connotation and ambiguity totally damped The Class 2 novelist is one for whom " ambiguities , puns and centrifugal connotations are to be enjoyed rather than regretted , and whose books , made out of words as much as characters and incidents , lose a great deal when adapted to a visual medium " .
5 However much we may lament Mr Swinton 's recent seclusion , we are forced to conclude that it has done him nothing but good .
6 As usual it was the forerunner of a series of related drugs , and we may suppose Sternbach was allowed to withdraw his promise not to burden the pharmacologists .
7 For the minor channels , and here we may include BBC2 and Channel Four , and may in the future add local cable stations , considerable opportunities exist to report on developments in the field of mental handicap .
8 At this distance , we may find Balboa 's antics in the surf laughably pretentious ; but at the time the sighting of the Mar del Sur , as he felt compelled to christen the new sea , was a formidable discovery indeed : the implications of its swift and secure passage into the hands of Spain were profound in the extreme .
9 What , we may ask Harris , happens to the child who repeatedly fails his annual examination ?
10 What , we may ask Holt , happens to the child who , dissatisfied at home , seeks in vain for guardians who would suit him ?
11 For two line currents flowing in the opposite directions ( Fig. 3.5(b) ) , we may write Ampère 's law twice and add the magnetic fields or add the vector potentials .
12 Second , and more important , in 522 , stirred up by his second wife , if we may believe Gregory , he had his son by a previous marriage , Sigistrix , strangled .
13 For example , Paul concludes his description of his calling as an evangelist with a great insight about the gospel : ‘ In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence . ’
14 ‘ I pray you , ’ he added , ‘ come over if possible by eleven o'clock that we may have Wordsworths Tragedy read under the Trees . ’
15 The organists of the ‘ Imperial ’ group ( see pp. 180 and 183–5 ) , to whom we may add Buchner 's pupil , the St. Gall organist Fridolin Sicher ( 1490–1546 ) , were still active through much of this period .
16 We may take Lord Wilberforce 's argument as typical of the Lords ' approach .
17 His reaction puzzles Banquo , but Macbeth explains it to us in an aside : The word ‘ swelling ’ is sometimes glossed by comparison with a stage thronged with people , but it also suggests pregnancy , and we may recall Angelo 's sense of ‘ the strong and swelling evil/Of my conception ’ .
18 I think we ought I think we ought to ask Alison if she 's come across anything
19 ‘ I 've been thinking , ’ he said , ‘ we ought to ask Ianthe Broome 's uncle to preach some time .
20 " But I 'm not sure that we ought to leave Maurice , though , " she said , licking each linger in turn .
21 ‘ I think we ought to leave Mr Archer in peace .
22 I suppose we ought to go Mr .
23 ‘ The Minister said we ought to circulate Tweed 's photo as well .
24 We ought to get Karen here at least a week before she leaves , ’ he said to Celia that weekend , ‘ so she knows the routine . ’
25 things like that , and we also , I think this year we ought to send Sid one because he came up with ten litres of five each of them boxes so came up with ten litres of wine .
26 I find it a little difficult to take that kind of question from an hon. Gentleman who said that we ought to eat New Zealand apples and refuse to eat British sausages .
27 I think we should give Fairclough a pat on the back for his performances in the last few games .
28 Not that we should over-emphasise Lorca 's surrealism .
29 The English Tourist Board 's half of that erm is designed to persuade us , to persuade the British that erm is the year that we should discover Britain , this is the year that we should stay at home and take our holidays in the view of everything that 's happened , and in view of prices overseas .
30 Finally we should mention Weber 's general importance in the development of humanism in sociology .
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