Example sentences of "she might [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 In other incidents she might simply have placed her hand over the child 's mouth or nose , or interfered with its oxygen supply with ‘ dramatic consequence ’ .
2 She might also have been incensed by the negative portrayal of homosexuality in the movie .
3 ’ I felt quite glad that our maid did n't write too , otherwise she might also have been the subject of inquiry . ’
4 She might also have seemed the least likely member of the group : lacking an academic background , Rush started her professional life as a nurse .
5 She might also have simply got tired of playing second fiddle to the Prince 's pastimes .
6 She might well have done so ; it was , after all , a Catholic Scotland which was to be so closely allied with France .
7 ‘ If her marriage had been happy she might well have been philosophical about the new baby , ’ her lawyer said .
8 After the death of her husband in the war , she might well have doted on her daughter , as being all she had left .
9 Had it not been for her chance meeting with Estabrook — who saw through her tumbling , distracted manner to the woman she was — she might well have taken her own life .
10 Had she known more about healthy eating and what was right for her body , she might well have been able to prevent most of the problems that she experienced .
11 Letting Charlotte take the blame was merely a side-effect , almost an afterthought , though one she might well have relished .
12 But as he walked at her side through the dark halls of the Grail Castle , he remembered , and wished not to remember , that she might well have within her the strange power that could awaken all manner of sleeping bewitchments and lost enchantments .
13 Miss Macdonald , I thought , would probably know about Andrew Stavanger 's dentist — she might well have made appointments for him in the past .
14 She might well have been able to forget her problems in some of those delightful little boutiques .
15 It was a risk , for she might well have run headlong into him on the first floor landing , but she had luck , and was round the next turn of the stairs when she checked and froze against the wall , hearing his rapid steps on the oak treads below her .
16 Sir John died seven years ago , but in all that time Lavinia has not increased Benedict 's allowance , as she might well have done , nor made any provision for his accommodation , other than saying that he might live at Merchiston Lodge if he chose . ’
17 She might well have owned that it was the other way round and that Rosemary 's husband had been the one to do the leaving , Leith realised , when her mother retorted , ‘ Well , she 's not living at her flat , is she ?
18 She might well have stood too , but he was close by and she had a quick memory of when she had been close up against his body before .
19 Given another two seconds she might well have flung something a lot harder and heavier at him , even though she 'd never done anything as temperamental in her life .
20 Why , it was almost indecent — she might even have a kid .
21 She might even have to mention the kiss he had given her .
22 In time she might even have threatened your own position .
23 I 'll phone Anne , she thought suddenly , tell her what 's going on ; the sound of her voice will make me feel better — she might even have an idea .
24 And she might even have managed to survive that sort of difficult scenario if it had n't been for the alarming , almost intimidating atmosphere engendered by Ross .
25 Judging by her tone , she might even have transferred some of it to the absent Rose .
26 The notion that Pretty Polly was simply beaten by a better horse at the distance on the day was well down the list of possible explanations for her defeat , and George Lambton aired the widely held view that jockeyship had proved the decisive factor : Bachelor 's Button ‘ was a sterling good horse , especially at Ascot , but he was not a Persimmon , and if a real good jockey had been on Pretty Polly I think she might just have scrambled home . ’
27 ‘ She left no clues , you see , so no one really considered that she might just have run away . ’
28 If she had had any talent , if she had been born in another period and perhaps if her spirit had been lodged in the body of a man , she might just have been heroic .
29 She reconsidered his offer of help and reluctantly decided she might just have to accept it .
30 She knew the geography of the place ; she might easily have followed Newley down to Miller 's End .
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