Example sentences of "as [adj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 In Bali , amongst the community of wise and loving farmer artists where we have our home , such a stunt would be as unbelievable as it would be unnecessary , for when it comes to the supernatural — or human trickery , for that matter — the Balinese are old hands .
2 The question of the uniqueness of the initial conditions is closely related to that of the arbitrariness of the local physical laws : One would not regard a theory as complete if it contained a number of adjustable parameters such as masses or coupling constants that could be given any values one liked .
3 Heathrow was very busy as usual but it helped not having our luggage to carry as it was booked right through to our final destination .
4 It is quite alright to continue no enjoy handling your cat as usual and it is almost impossible to catch toxoplasmosis from a cat scratch .
5 You ca n't sleep you 're actually providing your own sleep deprivation and you say hey , next thing you know I really will be falling down the stairs ! but he does n't seem to get the joke and then it 's back to the cell and then the interview room with the barred , opaqued windows so you ca n't see out and they switch on the tape-machine recording everything as usual and it 's getting more bizarre ; they get me to do a Michael Caine voice !
6 This has come to be regarded as normal but it is now looking rather transient .
7 It is n't quite as simple as that but it works .
8 got one exactly the same as that except it 's wooden .
9 It 's as stark as that and it 's a nonsense .
10 The benefit for Indonesia was political as well as economic because it implied , as Foreign Minister Ali Alatas pointed out , a recognition by Australia of the legitimacy of Indonesia 's claim to East Timor .
11 First the main water service pipe ( and , incidentally , the main gas service pipe ) has to be earthed ( with 6mm 2 or 10mm 2 cable ) as soon as possible after it enters the house .
12 The line manager should offer as much support as possible although it is acknowledged that in certain circumstances the individual might wish to seek support from another colleague rather than their line manager .
13 Now it must get back to its nest as quickly as possible before it too collapses in the heat .
14 Eat self-blanching celery as soon as possible as it does not keep well for long periods .
15 It is important for people with HIV to try and keep as healthy as possible as it is known that a balanced diet , rest and relaxation can help to strengthen the immune system .
16 Make the name as descriptive as possible as it is added to the pop-up menu that is accessed when you click the button bar icon at the bottom right of the screen .
17 The option relating to present ATB courses was deliberately put last in this section to try to make the question as objective as possible and it was good to see so many confirming that they thought this was , or would be , the best way of learning .
18 It is obviously better if trees can be out of the ground for as short a time as possible and it is much less expensive to buy bare root transplants .
19 It was er advertised in the er it 's advertised in the paper , and when I saw it there well , I er recordings from as many places as possible and it 's an ideal opportunity
20 Good sailing centres will have at least one and certainly the R Y A ones do and they 're important because if beginners get into difficulties out on the water you need to be able to get to them as quickly as possible and it also gives them a sense of security to have one of these things around .
21 It is important to make this as plain as possible because it is so tentative .
22 That letter should cover as much as possible because it is a useful source of reference to progress later in the case .
23 His last interview with a solicitor had been conducted in a language barely recognizable as English and it had taken over three hours and a reference to the Chief Constable to elicit the fact that the deceased had made a previous will in which the respective positions of his wife and his mistress had been exactly reversed .
24 However , we see the thesis as overambitious since it only holds for certain groups and issues and for a particular period of British politics — and that period , may have passed at least for the moment .
25 Conversely , to state the law as doubtful when it is not doubtful will also be penalised in marks .
26 And then it 's not spelt the same way as this when it 's on a boat
27 Some of it has been seen as justifiable because it seeks to ensure competition and prevent monopoly .
28 During the late 1960s to the mid-1970s she says CND was classified as subversive because it was a ‘ Communist dominated organisation ’ .
29 The establishment of such a correlation is not as easy as it might seem at first , because lead is only one ( and probably not one of the more important ) influences on the behaviour and intelligence of children , so that the correlation would at best be low , and hence require a large number of cases to be established at an acceptable level of statistical significance .
30 CLUE is n't a page makeup system as such but it can be used to create very impressive documents , Blackwells recently used it to publish their book catalogue .
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