Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 While Jackson , who had just returned from filming a television clip , was mildly bemoaning the pressure it had placed on him to be ‘ incredibly entertaining for one minute ’ , his press officer was engaged in ordering him a beer from room service .
2 He gave a little laugh and tightened the hand he had placed on her arm — Sally-Anne had not offered to take his ; that was not a servant 's right .
3 She was still striving to get herself back together when , to her astonishment , ignoring the file she had placed on his desk , ‘ Vanity being what it is , ’ he commented , ‘ I thought contact lenses were all the go now ? ’
4 And she leaned forward , pulled his hands away from his face , placed her mouth on his in a kiss of such passion that they drowned in it , and then , with a sudden twist , she was away from him , out of the arms he had placed about her , running down the corridor towards the outer door .
5 Having finished his dinner the candidate retired to the spick and span little room no bigger than a cubbyhole they had placed at his disposal and , when he had put his thoughts and his speeches in good order , stepped out for a breath of air , a short stroll which led him — as he had known it would — to the newly painted door of Odette Adeane .
6 She gazed at the new arrangement , absent-mindedly reached for the tea Julia had placed near her elbow and drank .
7 Claudia demanded , her resentment bursting the bonds she had placed upon it .
8 With a twitch of its jaws it had ripped into his hide leggings .
9 The blast — triggered when Alan lit his gas oven — had ripped off his clothes .
10 The rods had withdrawn into it , and there were n't any lights .
11 and the kid had withdrawn into his yellow gaze
12 He would have liked to know who that ‘ client of Harvey Gough & partners ’ had been-Amold Tatham himself , perhaps , using the pension contributions he had withdrawn on his resignation .
13 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
14 On June 8 , 18 political organizations including the OLF had unsuccessfully petitioned the electoral commission for a postponement until irregularities and " discriminatory activities " had been resolved and all armed forces had withdrawn to their camps as agreed [ see pp. 38660 ; 38855 ] .
15 Only a few months ago , after this Lord Henry Percy had withdrawn to his other urgent command on the Scottish borders , Owen had run wild over most of North Wales , and made himself master of the counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth ; and while the woollier heads in King Henry 's council had seethed and talked bloody war , Hotspur had come swooping back to hold the balance so sturdily that he had been allowed , on the king 's warrant , to approach the Welsh prince , and attempt to bring him back to his allegiance , on promise of honourable terms .
16 He had withdrawn behind his shield of mysterious self-possession .
17 Having spent himself , he had still found the will and strength to move away after he had withdrawn from her , so that they lay without touching , the space between them painfully eloquent , the gleaming coppery curve of the shoulder that he presented to her even more hurtful .
18 It had hurt almost unbearably earlier , when he had withdrawn from her to lie turned away from her once more , the shoulder he presented to her as eloquent a rejection as his disinclination to touch her .
19 The dusty streets , now that the traders had withdrawn from them , seemed to enjoy a silent life of their own .
20 The PDCS had withdrawn from their alliance with the Progressive Democratic Party ( PDP — until March 1990 the Communist Party — PCS ) on Feb. 24 , declaring that it regarded the coalition , which had been in office since 1986 , as outmoded .
21 They also report that only 13.5%of women but 28%of men had withdrawn from their course .
22 When the Dutch troops landed and passed through Wells , Ken wrote to James to say that he had withdrawn from his palace , taking his carriage horses lest they be commandeered ; indeed his previous service at William 's court would have caused much embarrassment if he had remained to meet him .
23 Among these tracts were two written by a Scotsman , James Harryson or Henderson , merchant of Edinburgh , who had joined Somerset in 1544 and been an English pensioner since 1546 : An Exhortion to the Scottes ( 1547 ) and The Godly and Golden Booke for Concorde of England and Scotland ( 1548 ) , which remained unprinted because , ironically enough , the Scot was continuing the propaganda battle on behalf of England after the English had withdrawn from it .
24 The nominee of the more reformist social democratic faction , Georgi Pirinski , not only lost the leadership to Videnov ( who received 428 votes out of 608 on the second round after Lilov had withdrawn in his favour ) but failed to gain a seat on the supreme council , as did former Prime Minister Andrei Lukanov .
25 She lay relaxed and dizzy on the bed , with the lingering sense of floating on top of the depths she had plumbed in her sleep .
26 Almost the biggest shock of the many I had sustained on my return home was the loss of the social cachet I had enjoyed for so many years .
27 He was irritated by a piece of smut on her cheek and started to wipe it off , and then pretended he had been stroking her , because he saw her distress at an emotion that she had guessed with her usual impossible correctness .
28 This was a quite remarkable transformation in a man who only two years before had talked of dying : neither fame nor literary achievement had brought him any contentment , and in the end it was human love , the love that he had dismissed in his writings as the consolation only of ordinary men , that rescued him from a lifetime of misery and isolation .
29 It was this , more than the death , more than the coldness of his father 's cheek , that broke the ice that had formed about his feelings .
30 Sheilagh , a farmer 's wife , had been widowed at the same time as had Mrs Knelle , and a bond had formed between them .
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