Example sentences of "his [noun] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But you listen to Richard and you listen to his sister and hear the difference and they 're both from the same place .
2 They make up his hope and give him his strength .
3 When at last he dared to creep from his hiding-place and move on tip-toe up the dark stairs , he had counted to 372 and managed to convince himself that any fate was preferable to having an accident down there amongst the coats .
4 The great vision of a world at peace — a world where a man could find his level and raise his family without need or care .
5 Yet they work somehow , because her is a man who had the courage to state it as it is , with such conviction and such power and optimism that somehow you get caught up in his enthusiasm and believe with him , if only for those three chords .
6 By this time , however , the military crisis was over , and Henry abruptly demanded that Anselm should either comply with his wishes or leave the country .
7 Why could n't he simply accept that she was not about to defer to his wishes and go ?
8 If a Prime Minister indicated that he wished to resign because he was ill , the Queen would indeed be acting in accordance with constitutional law if she were then and there to accept his resignation and appoint a successor after taking whatever soundings seemed appropriate .
9 All this could be accounted for by the fact that Picasso was working on a very large scale and found it necessary to simplify his technique and adopt a bolder approach .
10 It is useful for would-be choreographers to examine his ballets and discover that he mostly set them in countries possessing easily recognised characteristics .
11 He 's already lost the sight of his left eye because cocaine starved the retina of blood , and he 's damn lucky not to be totally blind , or even dead , because the next time it could constrict the arteries of his heart or block the blood from reaching his brain .
12 Curtius Kenn was a bloody nuisance , and sooner or later someone would put a ScumStopper under his heart and get himself free drinks on the house for a month .
13 [ In those days , if you were a witch you were safe as long as you kept away from the common people : once I saw a group of villagers spread-eagle a warlock , drive a stake through his heart and bury him beneath a crossroads gibbet . ]
14 Because this is what he always felt after his father died — that if he could just speak to him now , he could really open his heart and say everything , without feeling that strange mute on his vocal chords .
15 Not to be outdone , Deane Beman , who controls the professionals on the U.S. circuit , caused Tom Weiskopf to lose his beard and appear clean-shaven .
16 When he found himself in charge of a famous school he seized his opportunity and set to work to instil in the offspring of the ruling classes the personally desirable and politically vital sense of sin .
17 She would bite off all his fingers and eat them , the way Smallfry said she would if ever he was caught stealing .
18 Frankie would be set to work at the big sink , and before he washed each plate and roasting-pan he would scrape it clean with his fingers and eat every last scrap of chicken , sage and onion stuffing , corned beef , sliced Spam and cheese .
19 He held it up there in his fingers and let the doors close on it .
20 The child will work it out on his fingers and get the right answer .
21 He was warned that he risked not being able to read Braille if he worked with the soil because it would cut his fingers and reduce their sensitivity .
22 It is associated with the final curtain descending on present world history , when Jesus will descend from heaven in power to destroy his enemies and restore the entire creation .
23 More often than not no-one bothers about the height factor , with the result that the speaker may have to peer at his notes or stand awkwardly or otherwise find it impossible to combine proper use of the mike with proper use of the lectern .
24 Travelling home by train after visiting a virgin site , he would write up his notes and sketch out a design while the memory was still fresh .
25 If he is asked to count the buttons on his shirt or see how many colours are in the pattern of his sweater , then a look in the mirror might help with this too .
26 The singer loosened the collar of his shirt and let his voice flow out as turbulently and tranquilly as he desired .
27 As he starts to crumple at my feet , I grab the front of his shirt and drag him upright .
28 She 'd take off his shoes and his tie , open his shirt and loosen his waistband .
29 Willie put his gaberdine and cap on and slung his gas-mask box over his shoulder .
30 Returning from a training exercise one night , Stirling tripped over the guy ropes of his tent and cut his eye quite badly , which entailed a return to hospital .
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