Example sentences of "what [adv] [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 ’ But what basically happens is , if we see someone acting suspiciously in our store , we phone up a store in the next block and warn them , giving a description of the suspect .
2 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
3 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
4 Now I would n't put a question in that related to speech therapy in that way cos it 's far too complicated right for for you , but , completely hypothetical , and then what normally happens is people think groups and they just spew the lot out , right ?
5 What usually happens is that , because the pressure to succeed has been removed , before that two weeks has elapsed the couple will find themselves overcome by the passion of the moment and a joyous and successful sexual encounter is likely to result .
6 What usually happens is that the model runs out of steam during the half roll , and tumbles backwards .
7 What usually happens is one bloke ‘ digs ’ ( see box ) the ball up , the other guy ‘ volleys it ’ high in the air , then the first guy jumps up and smashes it down over the net .
8 But what usually happens is that unacceptable ( as opposed to lethal ) levels of toxins stress the fish , leaving them abnormally vulnerable to attack by opportunistic organisms .
9 Sugar , in his sworn statement , said : ‘ Venables said what usually happens is that people would meet Clough in a motorway cafe somewhere , and that Clough would be handed a bag of money . ’
10 ‘ He said what usually happens is that people would meet Clough in a motorway cafe somewhere , and that Clough would be handed a bag of money , ’ said Sugar .
11 There perhaps you would say the id is beginning to dominate the ego , but in accepting these extreme cases of , of psychotics who are severely divorced from reality , the , what always happens is the id has to make a demand on the ego which then gratifies it .
12 So , what probably happens is that women at the bottom of the social heap in the United States , having poor health care , high stressed lives , crime , drugs and all these kind of problems , probably have more spontaneous abortions , therefore the sex ratio away from males towards females , whereas women at the top of the social scale , low stress lives , good health care , better maternity erm medicine , stuff like that , retain more foetuses , therefore you 'd expect them to have more males , and this is what seems to happen .
13 In fact , what inevitably happens is that someone buys the house for the floor space of the extensions , seeing the opportunity for yet further building in the grounds , where planning permission would never normally be given .
14 In actual practice you could find an analysis that very often the things that have been repressed have not been repressed in the sense that they 've been totally submerged from your consciousness and totally forgotten without any trace , but what often happens is they 've become isolated or , or divorced from their context in your memory .
15 Experience has shown that unless careful thought is given to the display then what often appears is an unco-ordinated collection of ‘ cute ’ photographs of children with false red noses on Comic Relief Day , on a school trip to Rhyl , feeding the old folk at a tea party , at school camps etc , but few photographs of children reading , writing or doing maths , science or any of the arts .
16 What typically happens is that , in the negotiation process , one speaker realises that his version is incompatible with what the other appears to be talking about and makes his contributions compatible with ‘ what I think you ( not we ) are talking about ’ .
17 When we talk about the Online Enterprise what really mean is the business needs of organizations in the nineteen nineties .
18 Subjectively it feels every bit as fast as its maker claims , but what really impresses is the torque .
19 What really rankles is the loss of the idea that these bodies are broadly representative of the communities they serve .
20 What really happened is anyone 's guess but afterwards each accused the other of cheating .
21 I doubt whether we can afford it , I doubt whether , I think the problems are so immense , er what really means is down I think , tearing down most of their industry and rebuilding it from scratch .
22 A given administrative arrangement is neither good nor bad … what really counts is what is done with the group once it is established …
23 The relative scores of competing hypotheses are more relevant , but what really counts is the eventual quality of the complete spanning theory . ’
24 But what really counts is this indirect usefulness to her , it released her from the patterns of the novel of society and therefore , permitted the flowering of her real talent , a talent for finding and giving dramatic form to impulses and feelings which because of their depth , or mysteriousness , or intensity , or ambiguity , or of their ignoring or transcending every day norms of propriety or reason , increase wonderfully the sense of reality in a novel .
25 That 's perk , the perks and the bonuses that go with it but the contract , that 's what really counts is n't it ?
26 People do tend , I think rather superficially , to concentrate on figures and relationships between the figures , whereas what really matters is the concept behind them and I think a financier could be somebody who is awfully bad at arithmetic , but does understand the concepts .
27 Again in the New Guinea Highlands , women are the main agents in producing both agricultural products and the most valuable possession — pigs — but then , in the view of these people , what really matters is not production , but large-scale , ceremonial exchanges and the significance of women 's role in production is once more ideologically denied .
28 What really matters is the ability to recognise when the cheese has been properly stored by the retailer and when it is being offered for sale in prime condition .
29 What really matters is not how the horse won , but that he did win , and that in doing so he ended his racecourse career displaying that sparkling but short-lived turn of foot for which he will long be remembered .
30 The usual legal connotations of ownership are therefore irrelevant , but the possession of information , or the ability to control it , may nevertheless be of great significance ; in an entirely trivial sense the paper or computer tape on which information is recorded can be owned , and while this does not confer rights of ownership over the information itself , this distinction may seem empty if what really matters is control of access to and use of information .
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