Example sentences of "will want [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt they will want to interview you at some time .
2 When you meet someone who cares deeply about something , you probably will want to ask them questions about why they care so much .
3 Another will want to do it again anyway for the effect .
4 Walking is habit-forming ; the more you do it the more you will want to do it .
5 I have no doubt that if the ground is in his favour Carvill 's Hill will start a good favourite and few will want to oppose him .
6 I hope people will want to see them .
7 The fans will want to see him again , not four months or a season from now , but soon .
8 Dr Rolleston will be over at ten , with Matron , and they will want to see you .
9 The strange child has chosen to sleep in Edward 's room tonight ; but I am sure she will want to see you and perhaps you can give Miss Fitch a hand . ’
10 ‘ Mandru will want to see you , ’ she said .
11 She went on : ‘ I am very pleased at what has happened today but there is always the fear that they will want to take it further .
12 I know that his many friends and family , as well as those who have only recently met him , think that this must be one of those marriages that are made in heaven , and will want to join me in wishing Steven and Annabelle a long and happy married life together .
13 And I am sure you will want to join me in wishing them every success and happiness in their new venture and marriage .
14 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
15 5 Only send photographs to publications you are reasonably sure will want to print them .
16 10 Send pictures only to those editors who you are sure will want to print them .
17 Once workers have installed Britain 's new cable , no one expects that the country will want to replace it — at least not for a long time .
18 I found these of great interest and I have sent them on to our Meirionnydd Branch Committee who will want to give them careful consideration .
19 Laugh at these ridiculous postures , and everybody will want to kill you .
20 Not that many drivers will want to push it that far ; beyond 4000rpm the 1.4 Energy unit is distinctly thrashy .
21 If the children are unused to the teacher taking on a role , however , they will want to push you into an authority role .
22 Wear clothes which are easily taken off and put on if you think the doctor will want to examine you .
23 ‘ With the highlights package , now at last they will be able to see the best cricket at the time they will want to watch it . ’
24 ‘ With the highlights package , now at last they will be able to see the best cricket at the time they will want to watch it . ’
25 In between interviews with ‘ Men of grass ’ and ‘ Interpot reports ’ were editorials denouncing addiction , suggesting , as Tom McGrath had in November 1966 , that ‘ if we ever get round to doing full serious research into drugs as we must do soon — we might find that no one will want to use them again' ; opposing moves to a US-style approach to addiction ; and advising on ways to help junkies .
26 The drawback is that lots of people use them and that lots and lots of people will want to use it on precisely the night you require to be there .
27 As commerce and vested-interest groups come to understand the power and potential of public relations , so they will want to use it more .
28 So , if the RC is between 0° and 090° you will want to move it to the Right ( clockwise ) to get it onto 090° .
29 Choose the sort with lockable wheels since you will want to move it round fairly frequently .
30 Such behaviour is essential when you are training your dog to run free outside as you will want to put it back on the leash at the end of the period of exercise .
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