Example sentences of "would [adv] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It means that the drug squad there can concentrate on harder drugs , and certainly I I pu , a recent interview with a a police inspector from Amsterdam said he would rather deal with , you know , he would rather have cannabis users than certainly alcohol , problems with alcohol .
2 A woman came in and said perhaps we would rather have soup .
3 Given that she is now at this moment incapable of giving or refusing a consent to the treatment which it is necessary in her interests , perhaps to save her life and certainly to advance her cure , I do not find myself satisfied that the refusal is a continuing one , evincing a settled intention on her part to persist in it and accepting , as I do , the father 's evidence that she would rather have blood than die , I declare that it shall be lawful for the hospital , in the circumstances prevailing , to administer blood to her , that being in her best interests .
4 the same power may be exercised , despite the absence of a Civil Procedure Convention , with the consent of the Secretary of State ( who would presumably have regard to the known attitude of the foreign government and the terms of any relevant Convention as to consular relations ) .
5 You would have put £10,000 towards a good cause — but it would only have cost you £6,000 , because you would have saved the rest in tax .
6 And two thirds said they would only have sex in a long-term relationship .
7 From the list given in the book , he chooses only herbs which grow in wet places that the fish would naturally have access to .
8 Medium sized firms would thus have difficulty keeping institutional investors ' business .
9 ‘ The last thing a Secretary of State would normally have time to do is to see if the Historic Royal Palaces are being run in a way to maximise profit . ’
10 Their history , the interests of their members and the circumstances of conflict in Northern Ireland do not permit the evolution of Orangeism into something which would still have meaning if it abandoned its evangelical Protestant symbols and stated beliefs .
11 Fabia felt then that if he went on in this ‘ lift her up , knock her down ’ fashion for very much longer , the way her heart was behaving , she would probably have heart failure .
12 If we did n't have them we would probably have dictatorship which would be even worse !
13 what have to pay that they would probably have dividend and they would pay that for you and you would have to pay them back .
14 The Panel would also have recourse to the courts .
15 ‘ We thought that if we did n't like the Arab sector of Jerusalem after partition , ’ Damiani said , ‘ we would also have property in the Jewish sector .
16 As his diocese included the Isle of Wright , The Rev. Pearce would often have occasion to hold signed conversations with Queen Victoria who was acquainted with some deaf people near her favourite retreat at Osborne .
17 A UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ( Minurso ) would then have support from 2,900 civilian , police and military personnel in overseeing the registration of voters ( based on a census compiled by the Spanish authorities in 1974 ) , the political campaigns , and voting in a referendum , to be held by January 1992 .
18 Browne would then have time to look at it , before Eliot embarked for America in late September .
19 The pupils would then have access to an OPAC ( On-line public access catalogue ) similar to those available in some polytechnics and universities at present .
20 Such a general rule would then have application , regardless of the details , to all unions recognized as marriages .
21 But he also smoked and drank and boasted that he would sometimes have sex before a race because he enjoyed the physical release .
22 To firm up their security against subsequent security interests created by the company and which would otherwise have priority , floating charges almost invariably contain a provision that restricts the right of the company to create charges that have priority to or rank equally with the floating charge ( called a negative pledge clause ) .
23 There is no doubt that many of its customers have used loans in cases where they would previously have use ( more costly ) HP a 1977 survey showed that 59 per cent of the loans it made were for motor vehicle purchase .
24 The individual would therefore have power to enjoy the income and be taxable under s739 even though no " capital sum " may have been paid .
25 Logarithmic ways would have meant there would be , there would have been no limit in fact , one could have always gone to , to , one would essentially have minus infinity as , as the lowest .
26 Maybe I liked the Mystery Man because he represents no threat — he would never have time for someone as ordinary as me . ’
27 They would certainly have time to get to the river Almond and cut off any interference from the garrisons there at Perth and at Scone , even if they ca n't overwhelm them .
28 Williams would certainly have access to candles , ’ he continued .
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