Example sentences of "there [be] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 If I want to count how many chairs there are in my college , I have little problem about deciding which of the many objects in college I am going to include in my count .
2 For present purposes there are in my judgment two streams of authority relating to moneys wrongly extracted by way of impost .
3 Do you have any idea of the number of Jewish organizations there are in my neck of the woods and how many of their organizers have my phone number on the kitchen wall ?
4 Although in your native country , England , there are in my epoch six times as many people as in 1816 , nevertheless , the individual is guaranteed a much better chance to lead a life free from catastrophe and , if catastrophe occurs , a much better chance to be helped to recover .
5 I forget how many golf courses there are in my constituency , but there must be about 10 .
6 When you put all these factors together it concerns me that nobody has been advancing the case that as with other districts , some other districts in York , it would be appropriate , even more appropriate in my view , that the migration assumption should be discounted , there are in my view special reasons why this should be the case , special reasons over and above tho those that have been applied , to the other districts , this in my view would be that the Greater York housing provision for all those reasons I 've just highlighted , should be reduced , should be reduced to the seventy five percent level , in other words that would be reducing it by between a thousand and twelve hundred and fifty houses , now I wo n't get on to the reason that the fact that that 's one reason why there 's no need for a new settlement , erm but it is a reason in its own right just to protect the character and the capacity requirements and the environmental sensitivities of the Greater York area .
7 There were in my fantasies no moments of tenderness or anger , accommodations , reconciliations , no traffic , no shoppers , no birds , no intrusions .
8 Garrett 's decision to set up in the business of metal detector manufacture was a brave one for there were in his immediate locale several rival ‘ cottage industries ’ vying to capture a share of the young and burgeoning market .
9 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
10 Any evidence there is in her flat might evaporate .
11 You now try to connect these two perceptions , by saying that ( a ) the rhyme scheme causes the cheerfulness ; or ( b ) there is a relationship between the rhyme scheme and the cheerfulness , but it is one of correlation ; or ( c ) the regular rhyme scheme is connected with the cheerfulness because they are both caused by something else ( such as the genre or subject matter of the poem , perhaps ) ; or ( d ) there is in your view no relationship between the rhyme scheme and the feeling , and they coincide without there being a causal or correlative relation between them .
12 There is in my view a close analogy to the right to recover money paid under a contract the consideration for which has wholly failed .
13 But here there is in my opinion no question of the word ‘ insulting ’ being used in any unusual sense .
14 There is in my opinion nothing whatever in section 61(1) of the Act of 1967 to suggest that the Secretary of State is bound by the advice of the Lord Chief Justice or the trial judge .
15 There is in my judgment no objection to the decisions attacked in this case on the ground that they were or may have been taken by junior ministers rather than by the Secretary of State .
16 There is in my view , however , also an obvious distinction between jurisdiction conferred by a statute on a court of law of limited jurisdiction to decide a defined question finally and conclusively or unappealably , and a similar jurisdiction conferred on the High Court or a judge of the High Court acting in his judicial capacity .
17 In the circumstances there is in my judgment no option but to give effect to the literal meaning of the words as did the Court of Appeal .
18 ‘ But honestly , marriage and children have to be the biggest thrill there is in my life .
19 Sir Patrick said : ‘ There is in my belief , and in my experience , a profound desire amongst everyday people in Northern Ireland , right across the community , that the politicians should resume talks , because there is a recognition that there has to be a way of securing a less antagonist way of living in a divided society than we have at the moment . ’
20 There is in our house a running conversation about keys .
21 The response to this ad has illustrated what many of us suspect these days : there is in our industry a great wealth of under-utilised talent and experience which , far from regarding itself as unemployed and job hunting , is highly entrepreneurial and self-reliant .
22 Just as Jesus seemed to know about everything that there is in our life .
23 Li Po is leaving the world of men for a far more perfect world but there is in his poem nonetheless the idea that he might have wanted both of these worlds , but he has lost one of them ; thus he is chastened .
24 While Marx 's own writing does not relate ideology directly to ‘ false consciousness ’ there is in his use of the term a meaning of distortion and a failure to represent ‘ reality ’ while at the same time being determined by material reality .
25 There was in his view no evidence to show that the documents were reasonably required by the administrators for the discharge of their duties .
26 She had become tougher on Creggan , saying that he must use what little space there was in his cage to practise flight — turning , wheeling , lifting himself again and again and again … for she said that the day might come when he would need those skills .
27 The man lying there was in his seventies .
28 His rapport with the children he treated was almost uncanny ; and there was in his own nature something of the immediacy and openness of a child , which , coupled with a great sense of fun , helped him to get easily into communication with all sorts of people , and to make friends .
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