Example sentences of "all part of [art] " in BNC.

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1 An Appetiser Stand , Cherry & Lemon Dispenser and Ice Cutting Tongs are all part of a range of bar accessories from Mitchell & Cooper .
2 In order to do this , Jerry Falwell and the other Baptist pastors in the movement have to operate with almost watertight compartments for , on the one hand , their religion ( in this box Catholics and Jews are doomed sinners ) , and on the other , their politics ( we are all part of a shared Judeo-Christian tradition ) .
3 This was all part of a romanticising process that has afflicted Pygmalion for more than half a century .
4 It is all part of a revolution in quality in Britain .
5 This was all part of a movement to prohibit the use of alcohol and the propagators began to be known as the prohibitionists .
6 Accidents , coincidences , ordinary everyday events are all part of a great plot and — ’
7 We 're all part of a community and everybody is collectively working to advance the cause , and every now and then somebody gets a little glimpse of something and everybody else thinks , ‘ Yeah , that 's a good idea . ’
8 For them it is all part of a culture and religion which must be tolerated .
9 You see , children , this is all part of a BBC plan which you will come to know as CISSI ( the Corporation 's Intention to deal Sensitively with Serious Issues ) .
10 The very words he uses , to ‘ sight ’ , to ‘ follow ’ , to ‘ go through ’ , to ‘ relax ’ , are all part of a physical vocabulary .
11 It was all part of a private mythology that Mario had worked up to fit the American Success Story , and quite wonderful it was .
12 Perhaps , though , it was all part of a war of nerves .
13 Experts believe it is all part of a wartime spirit of looking on the bright side .
14 Acts like DonE , the Escofferys , Ray Simpson , D'Influence and Nu Colours are all part of a wave of new British soul about to enter the mainstream with major backing .
15 Thus emphasis on reminiscence sensitively developed ( Coleman , 1986 ) and oral history are all part of a recognition that by listening to the memories and past experience of an elderly person we are validating the unique worth of that individual , the contribution made to society .
16 The discouraging effects of prolonged unemployment , experience in the labour market with employers and official intermediaries , public statements by political and economic commentators , politicians , and employers about the future of employment are all part of a social process of exclusion , which probably began to set the agenda in the minds of individual older workers in the After Redundancy study even before the redundancy itself took place .
17 Nor did it seem apparent to all that the war fought at sea , the damage which might be inflicted upon enemy vessels and morale , and the consequences which victory at sea could have for those who lived in areas close to coasts , were all part of a wider war which could not be restricted to the fighting on land .
18 This is all part of a search for incongruity which is a characteristic of enforcement behaviour in general ( Rock , 1973a:177–9 ; Sacks , 1972 ) .
19 When you look more closely at this apparently innocent use of words , it is easy to see that it is all part of a very carefully engineered process .
20 So I thought they were all part of a jokey game .
21 The complex rules of this game that have grown , been discarded and developed in another form are all part of a continuous struggle between the spenders and the controllers .
22 And tidying up after removal and spring cleaning homes that have n't been touched for years are all part of a normal day 's work .
23 Fascinating facts , wine lore , numerous tastings and expert guidance are all part of a series of tours that take in famous Continental wine-growing areas from Tuscany to the Rhine , Bordeaux to Burgundy , Rioja to the Rhône .
24 Did you not find that er the work them became very sort of com compartmentalized if you like , very specific people were doing bits of jobs rather than a feeling that you were all part of a much larger thing ?
25 Working out what floats and what does n't as well as what makes the biggest splash is all part of a pre-schooler 's early education .
26 Whether this was all part of a single private house remains uncertain , because its location just inside one of the town 's principal entrances might suggest an official function .
27 He 'd raised his arms in a gesture of possession , and , even though she 'd known it was all part of a beautifully sculpted drama , Shannon had felt a thrill deep inside , as though she too were part of the kingdom the Viking had taken for his own .
28 According to the bishops the conflict was " all part of a wider political strategy " involving " well-trained arsonists " who were " transported to the scene " .
29 Perhaps , he thought to himself , this was all part of a plot worked up by Dr Ali .
30 She said there was this female , that the other thing , and there was a whole long list of things that pointed to this interpretation , and it was all part of a , as you say a great mass of data , that erm , is , is quite mind-bogglingly large , if you actually erm , see it in words .
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