Example sentences of "all [verb] [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 We were all pressed back into our seats .
2 ‘ We all moved back into the drawing-room for coffee , ’ said Henry , ‘ and I performed my arty trick with the cream and the back of a spoon . ’
3 We all head off into the bloody storm , and then this whole horror comic gets sorted out when we 're back in the real world .
4 Where does it all soak up into ?
5 At six , after their beds had been made and inspected , they all trudged out into the dark cold air and on to the parade ground , its surface covered in a thin film of snow .
6 While they all climb back into their ancient cars I take Rufus aside for a talk .
7 The film 's all spilling over into the rest of the time .
8 It all came back into my mind because of the ball , the spring ball , and the partner whose name I could not remember , although I have remembered now .
9 ‘ We will be in the back room , ’ said Quigley in tones of quiet authority , and , watched by several more astonished employees of Gordon Brunt Ltd , we all filed through into Quigley 's dining-room .
10 The moment we walk out into the sun to play we all break out into a heavy sweat .
11 Yeah it does , it all washes down into the garden you see cos the garden 's on a slope and the field , the field slopes straight into the garden , and when we have , when we really have lots and lots of rain , you look out your back windows and there 's about that much lying there , cos it 's running down and it ca n't get past the houses , so it just builds up and floods
12 They all look down into their brandy , embarrassed at the turn the conversation has taken .
13 A budgetary control system begins with business forecasts and the development of a sales budget ; these are followed by the production budget , a capital expenditure budget , a cash budget and the various departmental budgets ; finally these are all drawn up into one Master Budget ; once in operation , period budget statements are produced to indicate performance against budget and the variances that have occurred-these variances provide the grounds for any necessary corrective action by management .
14 Each time firing occurs close at hand , we all get down into the ditch — this adds to the pain and discomfort of the wounded .
15 We were delighted , and all rushed out into the garden to eat our lunch .
16 As dusk fell they all piled back into the ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ and , with the track rod end still giving forth its loud protesting wail , drove down to where the torpedo boats were moored .
17 Athelstan then blessed the grave and with Watkin darkly hoping the body would stay there , they all trooped back into the church .
18 You may all go out into the playground and wait for your parents to come and take you home . ’
19 and it was all split up into the different seminar group , we we had to take one aspect .
20 In previous eras Ireland could depend upon longevity of service from its best players ; Mike Gibson , Syd Millar , Tom Kiernan , Willie-John McBride , Fergus Slattery all battled on into their mid-thirties .
21 Immediately they all burst out into shouts of applause and praise .
22 They all burst out into rich , musical laughter , Sergia included — and joined , I 'm sorry to say , by giggles from Mala .
23 right , popcorn starts off as little , like little brown seedy things and when it gets heated up it all pops up into fluffy white stuff , those little brown bits that nobody ate were the hard little bead things that did n't pop up , sometimes they do n't pop up you see
24 Pale , cold , clammy , yes , this is the opposite , you 've got all the signs and symptoms here of a stroke , now if , this could go on with and erm if somebody , if something is n't done very quickly with this compression the person has still got this bleed , or clot in the head and eventually they just kind of all come up into the foetus position , literally all goes spastic , all these spastic movements right , you finished writing ?
25 Established players Nigel Smith , David Jarrold , Pat Watford , Andy Cooper and Graham Arnold all come back into contention .
26 When he did we all jumped up into the air .
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