Example sentences of "if [pron] be be " in BNC.

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1 He smiles as he recalls a TD asking in the Dail if nothing was being done ‘ to suppress this Republican paper ’ .
2 When I think of getting married and all that means I get this feeling as if I am being physically choked .
3 I am bound to say that his personality and his voice with his Glasgow accent were a little disconcerting at first ( I felt rather as if I were being addressed by my highly educated carpenter ) , but he inspired me with such confidence as he went on that I forgot that , and of course one has to recognise that a new era in political life has dawned for England , the old aristocratic school is practically swept out of it , it is the dawn of the new " regime " .
4 I went away wondering if I was being a fool .
5 My giddiness had gone and I felt happy and relaxed , as if I was being carried along on a slow , peaceful current .
6 Earlier I had felt as if I was being torn in two , but now the decision was made , I was floating on a warm tide of physical ease , as if I had just given birth .
7 He gave me such a look , as if I was being really disgusting .
8 Groaning a little , as if I was being terribly brave .
9 Yes , as if I was being assessed for a place , a level , a grading here .
10 I said , wondering if I was being told to make A. Ng a scarce commodity .
11 He grabs my wrist as if I was being arrested for shoplifting .
12 If I was being cynical I 'd volunteer Mark 's car to get people to and from the town .
13 There 's been quite a lot of comment in the press erm , on high levels of , of salary of , of remu remuneration for directors and I think it might be helpful er , if I was were t were , were to make some general remarks on the background er , of how we er , approach directors ' remuneration .
14 I know I 'm shouting , but I do n't care if I 'm being naughty .
15 I know it sounds as if I 'm being clever , but I felt then we 'd won .
16 ‘ They take longer to work and they 're no use if I 'm being sick , so I still have to carry my autoinjector , ’ she says .
17 So com wi th but we 've agreed , I 'm sorry if I 'm being repetitive and boring and the rest of it but comment , there would be a staff comment , how you use the rest of the space , assume there 's a double space is now left with you given the guidelines are issued .
18 Excuse me , he thought , addressing himself to her , excuse me if I 'm being personal , but when was your last laugh ?
19 If I 'm being buttered up , I want it lathered on lavishly .
20 I I just appealing for MPs and I know you have the radio on just to see if I 'm being rude about you , and of course I never am because I 'm a I 'm a nice person .
21 well I 'll switch off if I 'm being something rather good , so do n't I feel a bit sorry for those goldfish .
22 as if someone was being hurt , badly .
23 Mrs Padmore 's way , if she is being consistent , of representing a notable silence on the tape .
24 Overworked and depressed , she felt as if she were being turned into a glamorous business machine .
25 What harm would come if she were being fooled for a change ?
26 After half an hour or so , the two of them restored their employer to her feet , and they set off again , Miss Fergusson leaning on the guide 's arm with a strange nonchalance , as if she were being conducted round a cathedral or a zoological garden .
27 as if she were being asked to walk across a sheet of ice , and with every step her confidence was faltering .
28 Those had been her words , and if she was being exact , they would mean that he had seen the icebound vessel from the air , exactly as Sunderby had seen it .
29 ‘ Said she was anxious to see the lad settled and she was sorry if she was being a bore . ’
30 So it was n't as if she was being maltreated . ’
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