Example sentences of "they [modal v] be from " in BNC.

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1 But it should also be said that some elements of this description of mine could be taken to characterise the activity , sometimes ominous enough in its human implications , of all imaginative writers , however remote they may be from the dualistic confederacy .
2 But it would be stretching the meaning of citizenship to regard these rights — however desirable they may be from other points of view — as forming part of an enlarged ‘ citizenship ’ .
3 However different they may be from those involved in habituation , the training procedures used in studies of acquired distinctiveness necessarily involve the subjects in receiving repeated exposure to the critical stimuli .
4 If this involves going back to first principles , then however removed they may be from our present experience , we have a responsibility to go back .
5 The removal of persistent residues that give rise to foaming or smells could be an expensive process because they may be from materials that have not been amenable to treatment .
6 They must be from this area though , because they know it so well .
7 If possible they should be from more than one country .
8 For the modern Christian , however , there is often no awareness of the geographical and political relation between these places , how far they might be from each other , how long a journey from one to the other might take .
9 No one in the room is excluded , as they might be from a maths activity that some of them ca n't do ; or from a games session , where physical prowess is such an important factor .
10 They might be from almost any walk of life from whore to female preacher , and would follow their army ( or any army in some cases ) throughout the campaigns .
11 And especially a er they could be from people ,
12 They would be from Canada , from her sister Louise who would suggest that she might put up various old acquaintances passing through London , or find a suitable family for a darling Austrian boy , not so very much older than Martha , whose father was a kind of Count , but was also in the import-export business , or try to recall a splendid person , the friend of a friend of hers who had had a very , very sad story .
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