Example sentences of "they [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Member States may indeed decide that the employee 's contract shall simply continue with the transferor , but they may equally decide that the employee 's refusal to transfer shall be regarded as a termination of the contract by the employer or , even , that the refusal to transfer is to be treated as a determination of the contract of by the employee ( point 36 ) .
2 The media ( at least in those countries where media , and particularly television , play a major role ) are an important factor in upholding the patriarchal myth , even though they may subtly shift their ground here and there .
3 My guess is that the German authority is waiting to be forced by outside opinion to reimpose some form of genuine , serious ban ; but that it will do so only at a price — that of an assurance from other major national authorities that they will actively target specific drug-suspects under their own jurisdiction , proceeding upon information they may already possess but have chosen not to ‘ activate ’ .
4 I suggest to them at the beginning of each session that they will learn about a different existence from any they may already have experienced .
5 And as for yourself , you too should try talking to a friend or relative whom you trust — the chances are that they may already have realised that things are going badly .
6 Due to the conserved structure and the occurrence of identical insertion sites of mitochondrial introns , it has been speculated that they may already have existed in the progenitor of fungal mitochondria ( 7 ) .
7 ‘ The police are going to find Rick without any help from me — they may already have found him — and they 're going to want to talk to you as well .
8 You feel more confident do n't you in a group situation if you know exactly what people er er know or what they do n't know , cos there 's nothing worse is n't there than to go in and thinking they may already know this , I might be going in an teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here , I 'm not sure what they know about this .
9 They may yet vindicate his vision of Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals .
10 They may yet get their wish when Premier League II comes along .
11 They may yet have a marginal impact on the projected two-hour general strike , planned for next Monday , but by then it may already be too late to matter .
12 They may yet have a marginal impact on the projected two-hour general strike , planned for next Monday , but by then it may already be too late to matter .
13 They may yet have to write the debt off .
14 Witnesses or victims of serious crime are sometimes hypnotised during police investigations to help them to remember , and they may later testify in court .
15 To expand on that ; many girls would retain the values of civilisation and would want democracy and order and all that , as Ralph did , and eventually I am sure that a girl or girls would break away , causing a rift in the group , I think that the causes of the rift would be more trivial and the arguments more verbal and less brutally physical than the boys , but girls are capable of a great deal of spite and bitter unforgiveness and if more than one leader-figure emerges , they may later argue .
16 The procuticle is usually pierced by very numerous pore-canals which run perpendicularly to its surface and are initially occupied by cytoplasmic filaments from the epidermis , though they may later become filled with cuticular material .
17 The corporations are also the development-control authority for the designated area , so they may thus determine planning applications made to them or deem themselves planning permission by resolution .
18 They may thus find ways to get round the controls .
19 They may thus account for observable clinical manifestations .
20 Surely , investors will be less willing to buy and sell shares if they think that they may soon become the ‘ victims ’ of insider dealing .
21 They may soon reassess the outcome of eastern Germany 's strike and decide the damage to business and the economy is less grave .
22 In an essentially two-party system like the British one , for example , the main opposition party contending for office may not wish to fight too hard to curtail the power of an executive they may soon have control of themselves .
23 Thanks to Saudi Arabia they may soon have a reactor too .
24 Protean-like kings , these people raise and they may likewise level .
25 Dorothea Beale , the Principal of the first proprietary girls ' school in England , Cheltenham Ladies College , was firmly committed to a separate curriculum for girls and declared that her aim was to train ‘ girls so that they may best perform that subordinate part in the world to which , I believe , they have been called ’ .
26 Periodic tenancies , although they may ultimately exceed three years , are also covered by this section and may take effect orally : Kushner v Law Society [ 1952 ] 1 KB 264 .
27 Despite their transboundary effects , however , these problems are not necessarily global in impact , although they may ultimately require global solutions .
28 In an organization , they may rarely come to the attention of a predominantly male management in ways that give them power and encouragement .
29 Or , if they had difficulty leaving home when they were young , they may unconsciously place obstacles in the way of their own children doing so when the time comes .
30 Neither lexicographers nor political theorists can or should hope to halt this process of constant revision , although they may legitimately aspire to guide or nudge it in one direction rather than another .
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