Example sentences of "they [verb] are [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For two lexical items A and B we can ask whether the respective classes of entities they denote are identical , disjunct , overlapping , or whether one includes the other .
2 The issues that they raise are complex , and procedurally they affect the responsibilities of a large number of bodies , both in Government and outside it .
3 Though some of the foregoing indicates diversity , the questions they raise are common to all teachers :
4 The fears that the work could escalate into ‘ genetic engineering ’ , by which all but completely healthy babies would be terminated and parents could virtually plan the child they want are futuristic but increasingly real .
5 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
6 Whatever novelists may believe about the universe , they do not demand of their readers a formal belief in God or the Devil , or in the forces of history , and the tolerances they expect are wide .
7 They argue that support acted as an antecedent protective factor , but as their data was not longitudinal , the relationships they found are open to alternative explanations .
8 That the services they provide are relevant to environmental groups , and in that way to help environmental groups plug in to the kinds of advice on fund raising and er , management and all sorts of other aspects of running a voluntary organisation , which , at the moment , of , er a lot of , er social service organisations plug into , but so many environmental groups .
9 Responding to what they say are inaccurate press stories — which we have not seen — Micro Focus Plc has issued a statement with Microsoft Corp 's concurrence , saying that their current agreement between will expire on September 30 , but that both want to continue their business relationship into the future and are exploring the terms for the new agreement ; as if to emphasise the point , Microsoft yesterday announced shipment of Microsoft Cobol professional development system version 5.0 for Windows , with support for the Visual Basic programming system for Windows and embedded structure query language ; it says the new release incorporates the latest version of the Micro Focus compiler , and creates executable files faster and smaller than previous releases ; it is $900 , now .
10 The move follows their dissatisfaction with what they say are deteriorating services throughout the area .
11 Although the fees they receive are small , most of them are faithful and often long-serving .
12 So land ownership and management are very relevant to our theme of landscape study and historical reconstruction : the estates belonging to particular individuals or corporate bodies , and the boundaries within which they lie are important factors to be elucidated for any area .
13 Of course the question in the EPQ does not refer solely to driving and the population they sampled are unlikely to be driving particularly regularly .
14 If the internal environments they create are acceptable , their subtle coercion may pass unheeded .
15 LEAs are empowered to take such steps as they consider are necessary to prevent the breakdown or continuing breakdown of discipline at a school , a power which the Elton Committee urges them to invoke when the situation warrants it .
16 Although writers and writing are the subjects of most of these essays , the themes they present are essential to understanding both the extraordinary political changes that have swept through Eastern Europe , and the human condition under communism .
17 Being human the problems they present are unique , the ways of responding to them in finite .
18 ‘ All officers are paying attention to this as a matter of priority and divisional commanders are carrying out their own projects in the areas they know are vulnerable . ’
19 I mean , I know that a lot of the calls they get are practical , people have come back from the Gulf with no money , no home , I mean they 've lived there for years and years and years , without the family network sometimes to keep them going , or friends , friends , they 've , they 've lost all of their , and it 's , it 's not easy .
20 This means some men transfer from Category ‘ A ’ prisons and find new rules at Maidstone which they believe are petty and restrictive , and facilities which seem less than those they enjoyed elsewhere , in supposedly stricter regimes .
21 Either through the necessity to obtain items which they believe are essential or through a desire to be one of the gang and valued by their peers .
22 While this is not conceptually difficult many trainees are reluctant to give up labels that they believe are common sense shorthand .
23 FOUR ex-servicemen have been booted out of a British Legion social club after going to war over what they believe are missing funds of up to £250,000 .
24 In addition , through a well-established tradition of legislative lobbying coupled with the complete juxtaposition of vested interests , the corporate businesses which largely control the extremely lucrative coal mining industry in Appalachia have ensured that while the profits returned from their increasingly automated ‘ long-wall ’ style of mining are being safely accumulated , the mineral taxes which they pay are derisory
25 Most voters wish a fraction of the energy expended on internecine warfare between fellow opposition parties could be expended in opposing those aspects of Government policy they feel are detrimental to Scotland 's future .
26 Their stories will cover issues which they feel are crucial to the democratic movement in Haiti and to the daily lives of the population .
27 It would seem then that if conditions of work were altered in order to give employees a greater control over such factors as the pace at which they work , and the arrangement of their working day around breaks at times which they feel are necessary , then certain improvements may be achieved .
28 The success of such tasks as activators of language use for learning will depend on the extent to which they engage the learner in conceptual and communicative activities which they feel are worthwhile in their own right ( see Prabhu 1987 ) .
29 Managers often talk about fundamental re-examinations of their business , but most of the improvements they attempt are incremental .
30 The tests they use are large-sample tests , and the distributions of the test statistics they use ( such as the likelihood ratio ) are not known exactly for small samples .
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