Example sentences of "but [verb] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 However , in order that the scheme could , if successful , be relatively easily incorporated by local authorities into existing patterns of service provision it was decided not to substitute but to see whether it was possible to work alongside other services .
2 There is a wish to see a move from residential care to home care and , and home help and community based care , but to see that it 's done in an orderly fashion which does n't destabilize the market that 's out there , and does n't put at risk the care of elderly people who are already using those existing homes .
3 The main aim of the present book is to discuss the theory of psychoanalysis as such ; not to sociologize about it , but to see if it has a contribution to make to sociology itself .
4 Touche Ross thought that the requirement was appropriate in relation to partnerships , but recommended that it should apply only to cheques made out for an amount greater than a specified sum — a suggestion also made by a number of others .
5 Several groups claim to exert their influence , but insist that it is no more than that .
6 I had no authority to do this , but agreed that it was a sensible thing to do .
7 The committee had not been able to establish clearly the cost of nuclear power but agreed that it was at least 2@1/2 times the cost estimated before privatization was considered .
8 IN A LONG apologia for having had the temerity to undertake a psycho-biography of Mrs Thatcher , Leo Abse denies that his book is a personal attack on her , but agrees that it may have some admonitory function in warning people not to acquiesce too readily in the disposition of someone who would appear , on his argument , to be gravely unbalanced .
9 Dominique is shocked , but agrees that it is a car everyone can enjoy , ‘ although my mother would have a heart attack in it ’ , she adds with glee .
10 One of the members [ almost certainly Francis Maginn ] intended to urge the adoption of the word " deaf " only at the Congress , but seeing that it would only cause much loss of time to no purpose he allowed his motion to drop for the present .
11 This scepticism apart , most bass amp manufacturers would opt for a similar system if they thought the market would stand it , but realising that it places significant extra financial strain on the consumer , most do n't .
12 She considered writing to Luke in London — she had even taken notepaper out — but realized that it would be directly confronting Moran .
13 He has not done a lot of opera but thinks that it is just the way things worked out .
14 Scottish auctioneers confirm that bullocks are averaging 125p but stress that it is heifers and young bulls — each of which is demanded by a specific section of the Continental market — which have enjoyed the sharpest price rises .
15 I think they 're going to make it , but to pretend that it 's a foregone conclusion or a walkover or anything like that would be quite unrealistic .
16 Mr Major said yesterday that the economy was ‘ coming out of recession now ’ but admitted that it could not be proved .
17 In its latest World Development Report , the World Bank acknowledges that some of its past policies have led to environmental degradation , but insists that it is now geared toward promoting sustainable development and , in particular , the alleviation of third world poverty .
18 Regulations provide that if local planning authorities are minded to approve a proposal , but judge that it involves a material departure from the provisions of the development plan , they are required to refer the matter to the Secretary of State for him to decide whether he thinks it fit to call in the matter for his own decision .
19 This line of attack was argued by the Commission in the Continental Can case , but failed because it was unable to demonstrate that competition was sufficiently restricted .
20 ‘ What 's that supposed to mean ? ’ she challenged , hoping her intelligence was wildly wrong , but doubting that it could be .
21 He tried a grin , but winced as it hurt him .
22 After an arduous approach march they reached Heraklion airfield , but found that it was well guarded .
23 Kaye enjoyed helping the group but found that it eroded her own identity .
24 She tried to push the thought from her mind but found that it persisted .
25 Trying to get out of the traffic jam , I took a short cut down a back lane but found that it was blocked by a large wedding tent helpfully erected across the full width of the road .
26 The first , St Joseph 's in Marton Road , had space for 200 children but objected since it is still recovering from the effects of housing another primary school following a major fire .
27 Daisy nearly said Perdita could start off by weight lifting some of her belongings upstairs , but desisted because it was such heaven to be on speaking terms again .
28 Baronworth Investment Services ( 081–518 1218 ) , which prints a weekly update of best buys , runs a special deal with accountants who can not act as direct agents for bond issuers , and splits any commission 50/50 , but emphasises that it does also recommend bonds that pay no commission .
29 Griffin replies to such scepticism rather lamely : ‘ Allowing that an animal can be aware of outside events but denying that it can be self-aware becomes somewhat ridiculous — can the animal be aware of other creatures but not of itself ? ( 1984 : 205 ) .
30 In the Netherlands on Nov. 14 reports quoted Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers as having admitted to the existence of a secret organization in the Netherlands but denying that it was supervised by NATO .
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