Example sentences of "this [is] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The object of doing this is both to disguise your foot movement and to make the opponent shift his weight back slightly .
2 The strength of a well made glued joint in good condition is not increased by nailing or screwing the joint in addition to the glue , On the other hand , all glues need to be tightly clamped while they set and the simplest way to do this is generally to assemble the wet joint with nails or screws ; having once done this , there is no particular benefit in taking the fastenings out afterwards .
3 The effect of this is generally to knock the opponent over and earn you a full point .
4 Some mains transformers seem to have twin 120 volt windings , and this is presumably to permit them to operate on continental 120 volt supplies or the 240 volt UK supply .
5 This is partly to say that Richard Chandos and his frequent companion-in-arms , George Hanbury , are commonplace adventurers compared with Rudolf Rassendyll , in spite of the resonance of Chandos 's name .
6 This is partly to ensure that any increase in profitability can be identified as the result of improved efficiency rather than a change in the method of compiling the accounts .
7 This is partly to get higher wages , but it is really so because jobs are run-of-the-mill and they are looking simply for a change of venue , a new setting , and new faces .
8 But this is surely to misdescribe the social reality of the employment relationship .
9 This is again to put it broadly — that they must not exercise their powers arbitrarily or so unreasonably that the exercise of the discretion is clearly unjustifiable .
10 Its reason for this is largely to do with its distrust of the judges who , it feels , would use their power to strike down government action or legislation as being contrary to a Bill of Rights , as the American courts can do , to promote their own conservative values .
11 The reason for this is largely to do with SCSI hard drives and the need for double buffering — see info box .
12 He I 'm suppo he says to email him , contact him at the start of week zero , because he 's goin he he 's trying to remember of his own accord , but er ju this is just to give him a kick along in case he 's forgotten
13 This is just to give you
14 This is just to give you the order and the distance .
15 Yes , but you see this is just to give you some idea of his mentality .
16 This is just to remind me of the feel of the rod and the weight of the tackle I am using .
17 No this is just to do with a
18 Somebody 's slipped over and they 've got all the grit in their knuckles in the part of their knuckles and you want to bandage the hand or there 's a cut on the hand , even on the palm , we can do that one later when it 's really , when it 's really a gash , gushing blood we can do this afternoon , I repeat again none of these which you 've done this morning will control severe bleeding , get it into your heads this is just to cover to keep infection out , alright , these are not to control severe bleeding just covering a minor wound or a graze , right ?
19 Er this is just to show income from building societies during the seventy five to ninety period , and the yellow line shows a decline or at least a jiggly line , which just reflects interest rates , and the un unit trust income rising over that time is the orange line .
20 We have had a couple of occasions where the money can not be claimed back recently , so this is just to inform you of the position that the insurers are taking .
21 But this is artificially to restrict the sense of what it is to be a rational institution .
22 To do this is also to go ‘ beyond ’ the unconscious , and it seems impossible to do this , as Urwin hopes , without reducing the unconscious , the last resort of subjectivity 's difficulty , to a discursive product .
23 This is primarily to avoid the payment of stamp duty at 1% on those debts .
24 It is usually convenient to enter all the fieldnames and the easiest way to do this is simply to use the /Copy command to copy them .
25 In one sense this is simply to point out that we can always demand to have an explanation explained .
26 This is simply to oil the skin before you begin the massage ( see Fig. 12 ) .
27 This is temporarily to impose deposit requirements on institutions that take open positions in foreign exchange .
28 Some lack of enthusiasm is caused by a habitual attitude of boredom and hopelessness , and the simple remedy to this is often to commence a regimen of positive thought .
29 This is greatly to simplify an already schematic plot , but the pattern of action is clear enough : it is essentially a comedy of identity , in the manner of late Victorian melodrama , upon which Eliot has grafted his characteristic exposition of the religious sensibility .
30 Well this is really to protect this , mostly .
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