Example sentences of "this [vb mod] [be] think " in BNC.

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1 As for the infrequency with which it is celebrated , this may be thought to be a reaction against the daily sacrifice of the Mass and the emphasis that grace comes dear and difficult not cheap and daily .
2 This may be thought to be the legal way to control force .
3 This may be thought scarcely auspicious .
4 This may be thought to give some substance to the notion of representation , which otherwise remains remarkably vague and undemanding in the Burkean version .
5 Secondly , it will be examined why , granted the profit maximisation objective , the profits should accrue to the shareholders , as opposed , for example , to the employees : if considerations of efficiency underscore the shareholders ' current position of preeminence , then this may be thought to provide a justificatory foundation for shareholder rights within a public interest framework .
6 In a sense this may be thought to contradict what I said in chapter 1 , where the emphasis was on the evident synchroneity of particular deposits , particularly carbonates .
7 This might be thought to be a good thing .
8 This might be thought to be the ulsterior motive surfacing ; but if so , it has to be balanced by Lewis 's unconquerable distaste for hymns ( not a markedly Protestant trait ) .
9 Any estate owner who achieved this might be thought to have made a notable bargain .
10 The merit of separate qualified defences is that they focus the evidence and the legal argument , giving the jury ( in contested cases ) an opportunity to assess the defence , and giving the judge fairly precise guidance on the basis for sentencing : this might be thought to ensure that each defendant is dealt with more fairly , but the risk of confusing the jury in a contested case might tend to erode that protection .
11 While this might be thought to have a major impact , the effects would have been lessened if the cremating was carried out at dispersed homes .
12 This might be thought to throw into disarray our grounds for specifying what animals see , hear , and otherwise sense .
13 Sir Brynmor Jones said jocularly : " The teacher who can be replaced by a teaching machine or any audio-visual aid deserves to be ( 1968 : 281 ) and this might be thought also to be true of replacement by ancillaries .
14 There is no distinct technology of advertising , but this could be thought an arbitrary objection , especially when the boundaries between media technologies that were quite sharp in the 1940s — between print and photography , or film and TV , for example — were dissolving in the 1980s .
15 This can be thought of as a probability measure that the word token in question resulted from a misspelling of a dictionary word .
16 This can be thought of as comprising the following clauses : Roger has a dog The dog is black It is called Ben These can be combined in various ways which would " score " in a count of dependent clauses , e.g. : Roger has a dog , Ben , who is black , Roger has a black dog , who is called Ben , while the initial version does not .
17 This can be thought of as entering the three main two-dimensional views ( front , side and plan ) into the space to lie either on the axis or on the surface of the local space brick ( see Figure 3.6 ) .
18 This can be thought of as an investment — an expenditure today for which there is hoped to be a return in future years in the form of a lowering in the costs of production ( for a process invention ) .
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