Example sentences of "this [noun] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It should be apparent from this case that in assessing what damages are recoverable ( i.e. within the rules in Hadley v. Baxendale ) for breach of a term as to quality , one does not ask simply ‘ What type of damage could the seller at the time of the contract have predicted ? ’
2 It wo n't be lost on anyone concerned with the application of this settlement that despite the Secretary of State 's earlier remarks as the democratically controlled public sector , represented by local government , faces further cuts .
3 It can be estimated from this experiment that at least 100 to 150 bp of DNA have been added to the ends of the linear plasmid .
4 It will be seen from this extract that at a baptism sometimes both parents ' names were recorded , but occasionally only the father 's .
5 While I do not want to detract from the bilinguals ' versatility or the value of their multicultural experience , I will argue in this chapter that in fact monolinguals have broadly the same range of linguistic " powers " as bilinguals have , though sometimes these are manifested in other ways .
6 So powerful were the effects of this philosophy that to those who looked down from a higher level in society , the suffering became invisible ; or if not invisible , then transparent , and their view was not arrested by it but looked through it at what they took to be economic verities beyond .
7 ‘ 8(1) Subject to subsection ( 2 ) below , of any two specimens of breath provided by any person in pursuance of section 7 of this Act that with the lower proportion of alcohol in the breath shall be used and the other shall be disregarded .
8 Half a century later , such commentary as there is on Pound 's poem is still for the most part concerned with this question that for Bunting ‘ does not arise ’ .
9 There is some evidence in the papers on US , EC , and UK competition policy in this issue that despite differing objectives at the origination of policy , the growing consensus is that the focus should be on economic efficiency .
10 It was during this period that with the cooperation of the US Occupation , parts of the bureaucracy , elected conservative politicians and private employers sought to alter the extent of labour rights in order , it was argued , to maintain internal political stability .
11 Arthur Acland , the then president of the Association , had already stated in his address to this meeting that in the promotion of " effective use of the English language " , one of the best means was " to foster a love of English literature " Thus , English literature was seen by members of the Association as the most effective vehicle for establishing through elementary education acceptable standards of linguistic usage .
12 That message needs to be got home , I 'm pleased to note this evening that after three years of making these suggestions you have at last started to accept some of them .
13 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
14 It might be noted at this point that in recent years there has been a dramatic growth in the volume of business conducted in the interbank market and this has become a major source of liquidity for banks .
15 If there were not this evidence that at this point he is only hazily in command of what he is doing , we might ask — though to no purpose , I think — whether Eleanor 's fiddling of her uncle into the see of Canterbury is presented to us for our approval , or the reverse .
16 This tuck stitch is easy to work on the Singer Big Nine and you can see from this sample that by working with a lighter shade for the background for the first four pattern repeats followed by a darker one for the background , similar amounts of yarn have been used over the same number of rows .
17 So unusual was this setup that during its early days we even had dealers contacting us to discover how it was being done !
18 This knowledge that in the end everything must crumble but a woman 's work is her rock and her shield , a strong fortress , a faithful lover .
19 Erm I I said some the this this morning that in fact I think there would be serious affordable hou affordable housing problems er associated with that figure .
20 I have this theory that at such times he 's communing with the mother ship which gave him his mission on this planet , but then I could be wrong .
21 ‘ Sometimes , ’ muttered Phoebe ; she was not going to tell this woman that for the last six months she had done practically nothing else .
22 Mr Kerfoot said this week that in 1988 one of his oil suppliers on the Rhine had been keen to send raw material to Britain by rail instead of road because of pressure from the German Government .
23 Indeed so high was their reputation for self-denial in this respect that in the first years of the twentieth century the brothers Paul and Jules Cambon , French ambassadors in London and Berlin respectively , entrusted their private correspondence regularly to the British diplomatic bag rather than sending it through the French ministry of foreign affairs or the French post office : if either of these channels had been used it would almost certainly have been opened and read .
24 I mentioned at the start of this address that around the fire Joseph and Mary and their children would have gathered for fun and fellowship .
25 It is for this reason that for the central part of the projects we selected representative variables that occur frequently and can therefore be quantified in terms of the full range of speaker-variables .
26 It was perhaps partly for this reason that on 21 September he ordered General Enrique Varela ( who had taken over from Yagüe when the latter became ill ) to make a detour to Toledo , to relieve what remained of nearly 2,000 Nationalists who had been besieged in the giant fortress — the alcazar — since the end of July .
27 It is for this reason that in so much of the literature and documentation dealing with the justification of a war emphasis was placed upon the enemy as a rebel who must be punished for his acts of infidelity or treason .
28 It was for this reason that in Du Contrat Social he mocked the English by contending that the English people " is free only during the election of Members of Parliament ; as soon as the Members are elected , the people is enslaved ; it is nothing . "
29 It is for this reason that in our quantitative analysis we have treated speaker variables as independent of one another .
30 It is for this reason that in Victorian novels the description of working-class interiors , as I have mentioned , invariably emphasizes their hard-won decency .
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