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1 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
2 Erm there 'll be seven lectures on this subject and that 's a fair number of course but it 's not enough to cover the full range of things that I 'd want normally to talk to you about and so what I 'm going to do is to aim to introduce you to some of the central concepts of foreign policy , of ways of analysing it , of the models that are used , the ideas erm er surrounding foreign policy and also to illustrate these with examples .
3 But environmental standards , as I see it , and whatever form now , whether in the posh green sense or the nitty gritty sense , which is equally as important and sometimes forgotten , environmental standards transcend , obviously transcend politics and so what I want to , would would would want to do , is to try to strip off the politics and indeed to strip off the emotion , because that 's the other thing which I think affects any real consideration of environmental issues .
4 And perhaps what I tell you will , even now , change your mind .
5 Oh , I suppose you 've been in love , probably several times , so you know how it feels to hold someone , and perhaps what I 'm feeling is what anybody feels when their life is startled and transformed .
6 Er and basically what I want to do is to put the winner , the winning e exhibition into the new reception area , for the new erm office at Ruddington when it opens .
7 It 's not what I expect and not what I want .
8 But in those rare flashes when one can shed the present self and all it is in command of I realise that there were really only two occasions when I did personally feel the times on my pulse in such a way that I remember them , and not what I have since reconstructed of them .
9 erm , I I let the person do what they wanted to do and not what I wanted to do I just went along with what they said
10 And exactly what I would of said .
11 ‘ I know , ’ I said , ‘ that he wants what I have , and also what I hope to have one day . ’
12 Yeah but er and also what I found right ,
13 erm You missed last week 's talk , which actually was quite lucky because the projector broke down , so it was n't a great success ; but last week , erm I talked about the beginning up to the eighteen thirties , Victorian costume , and really what I was trying to put across last time , was the fact that the nineteenth century saw the beginning of fashion for the masses .
14 you see I moved a bit more now but and I I 've still got good hearing er apart from this ear here , this ear , I ca n't hear so well , quite so well , this side , you see so I always have to say excuse me while I , hang on while I turn off the television , you see , and then they have to wait a minute till I turn it off and then what I do is because I have this phone extension put in
15 Well , yes it should , it should be , and there 's some good figures in there that you may want to tell the students about , and then what I would do is recommend that they have a look at it because the current issue .
16 So when was the last time you made a presentation and then what I 'd like you to do and there are three lines there you may only have one you may have two , three , four objectives
17 So we 'll have a coffee break and then what I want you to do when you come back is I 'll give you an objective for the talk that you 're going to give based on that you 've just done and then I want you to select three themes and three sub-themes that will support the objective that you 'll then be able to use .
18 I used to take them every day and I was like that right , and then what I used to do on a Sunday I would n't take one cos I used to think right I like my Sunday dinner and I will never give up my Sunday dinner when I 'm dieting right
19 So that 's one tenth and that 's one tenth and then what I 'd like you to do is work it out as a fraction what fraction of how many degrees would it be if you had a tenth of three hundred and sixty degrees , how many degrees would that come to ?
20 And , indeed , as befits someone who 's hovering on the edge of idolatry , even her vocabulary has gone a little pagan ‘ Till dieted by thee I grow mature in knowledge as the Gods who all things know ’ , and then what I think is a brilliant touch on Milton 's part , the very next line says to us ‘ Though others envy what they can not give ’ .
21 Roger , Terry and David , er need to take this away , have a look at it and at the next meeting we either then draw some conclusions and again what I 'm looking for
22 Rose , Birmingham Region and I make it very clear on the onset that our Region is having a free vote on this because we have n't had the opportunity to discuss the document and therefore what I 'm saying is purely my own views .
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